Satire Image Created by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Научный Чувак. Well... Кто я такая, чтобы стоять на пути у науки?

headlines assembled by l. nicholas de lioncourt
The Sinking Ship of the Authoritarian Left: censorship.
TWITTER.COM, as usual

Yet Twitter & Jack(off) Dorsey show no reluctance over videos featuring 'Minor Attracted Persons' demanding mass-acceptance of pederasty. Quite certain no conclusions would be appropriate... of course not...

Over the week-end, the mass media released speculation that the Thief-In-Chief Biden administration is pursuing the removal of Vice-President Kamala Harris; and while I execrate the Biden and Harris team, that the vile Swamp would elevate Biden over Harris is... unconvincing. That she would receive a SCOTUS nomination... unconvincing (if not as half-witted as she).
She is not one easily displaced. Any woman - anyone - with sufficient acumen and influence to ascend to vice-president of the United States should not be under-estimated - that is to write: in conflict, always over-estimate your opposition and ensure your opposition always under-estimates you.
Notwithstanding Harris' lowest-ever 29% approval rating; people's memories are as volatile as she, and with mass-media support, Harris' disfavor today could easily become her record-breaking popularity tomorrow.
I think Harris far more capable of what I wrote on September 16th.
Microsoft Bing, the world's #1 search engine... used by accident.
How malicious is Microsoft Bing's Censorship? I appear on the Official Search Engines of Russia, Yandex and of China, Baidu!
Not Bing.

Just as the many 100,000s+ of others; I have incurred Microsoft Bing's censorship wrath, and received the prestigious DEINDEXING AWARD.
My transgression: defiance against Microsoft's Authoritarian Woke Propaganda. Yes, Microsoft Bing openly admits to being a CONTENT EDITOR, not a site indexer.
Oh! Whatever shall I do without the Bing.com 2.47% market share... 2.47% and falling each year.
Once again, messieurs et mesdames, the brilliance of Ben Garrison:

© Ben Garrison

The Wisdom of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Even in death, no one can bring this great man down -- L. Nicholas de Lioncourt