No... once again: I abhor Anne Rice's puerile vampire-penny-dreadfuls (the former Anne Rice, I recently discovered). The name 'Lestat de Lioncourt' was not her creation; rather, Anne Rice's French-illiterate larceny. She has no claim to the family name or the origin.
Writing openly, in adolescence I read her first book at the request of a classmate; yet the second release in her 'Vampire Chronicles'... unreadable. I did not finish. A novelized emetic. From a plot summary of the third release, continued mindless insensibility - which describes the author, as well... I could not tolerate the absence of creativity, or her risible (re)vision of the 'vampire'. My opinion, reader, used toilet paper offers a more compelling story.
I am a descendent of Guy de Lioncourt, French composer (1885-1961); and if our genetic resemblance is not obvious, well, perhaps consult your nearest ophthalmologist:

Guy de Lioncourt, French composer (1885-1961)
On reading this, all I heard was Dr. Evil responding 'riiiiight...'

More evidence that Google censors to hide the truth from the public and protect the progressive left.
Subsequent the decision recast Roe v. Wade as states' policy rather than a federal policy, the tolerant, post-racial progressive leftists engage in mass racist vitriol on social media platforms, denigrating Judge Clarence Thomas with variations of 'Uncle Tom' and 'n**ger' - abhorrent bigotry that would result in the progressive left's well-deserved extinction if the public witnessed the truth.
Common with authoritarian regimes, the State established and supported Google hides the truth from the public.
Google has become both publisher and editor, which is a manifest violation of Section 230 in the Communications Decency Act; thus Google is legally liable for intentionally misleading the public, yet would the State sue itself...
(click image for full size -> opens in a new tab)

Reality is Leftism's Nightmare
If you, reader, believe that the majority of the U.S. populace supports gun control; WRONG. Watch this animated graphic reveal the escalating EXPANSION of gun rights year-by-year as states progress from NO ISSUE conceal carry to SHALL ISSUE, and then to UNRESTRICTED, permitless conceal carry.
Rage against the setting sun, lefties; you will be far more effective slowing the expansion of night.
For the small-type challenged, the colors represent:
NO ISSUE restricted leftists' dream conceal carry
MAY ISSUE conceal carry
SHALL ISSUE conceal carry
UNRESTRICTED, permitless conceal carry
... the states know what the central federal government has planned for the U.S., public...

Description: History of handgun carry permit laws, 1986-2022
Author: Jeff Dege
Our judiciary has long metastisized into a withering cancer upon our Rights. We are the Land of the Guilty. Home of the Incarcerated. Kingdom of the Priviledged Elite.
Over the months, the years, passed; I have watched as Hunter Biden et al., extorted foreign businesses without deleterious reprisal, committed offenses that would secure a life sentence of federal incarceration for the common citizen, and participate in illegalities for which the FBI, the ATF and NSA would persecute a trangressor to suicide; and yet - yet - Hunter Biden lives without concern, without restraint, without hardship, without accountability.
While Edward Snowden lives in exile. While they who dared approach the U.S., Capitol; that tax-funded, inviolable Sanctuary of the Aristocracy, on January 6th decline in political prisons.
If we, that is to write the populace not born into the cabal of judicial and political amnesty, attempt to so much as defend ourselves against imputation, the United States courts has established such massive and uncountable regulations and statutes that we could be condemned for merely resisting others' accusations.
The records of history warn that these are the conditions; if left unmitigated, which compel the people to revolution.
The only state action on guns I support is the repeal of ALL firearm laws and restrictions. Firearms should be as easily mail-ordered as cake mix. Any citizen who has the means to purchase an LGM-30G Minuteman III missile, should own one without limitations.
... 'shall not be infringed'... no conditions were listed; no limitations enumerated.
If you disagree, Lefty, keep uppermost in your insensate mind that I care more about the surface tension of toilet water than your authoritarian opinions.
LEFTISTS: How many people must die before you give up your guns...
ME: The entire population of Earth, and even then, nope...

created this at a meme generation site.
Animal cruelty is an incontrovertible prelude to homicidal cruelty against mankind; thus, animal cruelty must receive the same fatal consequences given to rabid and threatening animals: life termination.
I promote unconditional reciprocal justice measure-for-measure. I would condemn them guilty of animal cruelty to suffer their own psychopathic cruelty; rather than rewarding them with the free housing, healthcare, and meals in prison.
Remember, reader, there is no treatment known, pharmaceutical or behavioral, for sociopathy; there is no rehabilitation possible for psychopathy - that is - the human mind corrupted beyond restoration.
... feet first into the woodchippers of justice in defense of the innocent and vulnerable!