One objective of the Left's 2020 presidential arrogation, the Great Steal, is the reclamation of the Supreme Court by 2024.
From my observations, notwithstanding the performances of feigned outrage within and about the hearings, Marxist Ketanji Brown Jackson has been politically predestined to the Supreme Court; if not, the Left has readied well-funded, damn well-fictitious social campaigns of violent protest, celebrity wrath, mass censorship, and a continuous torrent of state-written mass-media propaganda decrying racial injustice and patriarchal subjugation.
Thereafter a long-predetermined event within the next three-years; the Left will commit judicial larceny to force a position on the Supreme Court into vacancy - how - by repeating the fate of Scalia, if one of the textualist advocates of natural law as Clarence Thomas is taken; or by sudden retirement, if a deep-state compromised pawn as Roberts is chosen.
Thus the method by which the Left will capture the highest court in the next three years.
If the Leftists had not vehemently denounced and reviled this accomplished African-American woman (lefties are obsessed with categorizing and generalizing) in 2005, Judge Janice Rogers Brown would have been on the Supreme Court, SHOULD HAVE been on the Supreme Court.
Once more, Leftism is a necrotic disease of mind.
Not my image; however, Marxist moron and SJW Ketanji Jackson IS NOT the first African-American woman (which she is not; after all, she asserted she was 'not a biologist') considered for the Supreme Court - I recall how the Left vilified and denigrated the incredible Janice Rogers Brown; how the segregationist imbecile - now, Thief-In-Chief - Biden vowed to ensure she would never be nominated.
Leftism is a necrotic disease of mind.
Not my image (resized, open image in new tab for full size)…
do not question THE MESSAGE
critical parody by l. nicholas
(click image for full size -> opens in a new tab)
satire poster by l. nicholas de lioncourt
J'en ai par-dessus la tête du parti de gauche aux États-Unis, putains des socialistes et des communistes cachés. Le peuple a besoin du divorce; c'est-à-ecrire, on a besoin du divorce national - culturel et sans notion de faute, vite fait et bien fait.
Mais, combien de temps faudra-t-il attendre?
Filed under FANTASY FICTION: My initial assumption would be that this is a book whose front and back covers are too far separated by a few hundred blank pages.
What insult to sincerely talented and creative women, truly accomplished such as the original Camille Paglia.
LEFTISM: (...Типичное лицемерие)
The Kleptocratic crimes; including collusion and extortion, by the Biden family gave this Thief in Chief sufficient influence to foment this aggression between Russia and the Ukraine.
Stephen King, an insufferable political lemming. Notwithstanding the Progressive Left campaign, King inserts his evolution-regressed face. As I wrote in a Twitter response: if the Left embraced public coprophilia, King would be there with a sh*t-stained self-portrait.
эй, progressive left, нажрись говна и сдохни. Идите вы все на хуй.
created in response to:
Это пропаганда
Germany seems to have unlearned their history in an effort to repeat their history; this time 'round: geimpfte Übermenschen. What is next, Germany, the 'Vaccinated Youth'?
This is how I read (that is, my translation) the following German WWII revival propaganda:
The unvaccinated
unwelcome here!
Track them down! Capture Them!
Confine & Vaccinate Them! (implied tone is 'by force')
'We vaccinate us ALL' (implied tone is 'by force')
Okay. No Problems. In the U.S., and just in convenient time for the mid-term elections, the Progressive Left will soon announce 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' and rescind their face mask terrorism. This must happen soon, since the Progressive Left needs sufficient time for the populace to forget - political amnesia - the medical tyranny and propaganda these two-years passed.
Just wait... soon...
The religion of safe-space cry-closet confessionals - of unsuccessful narcissists, of triggered zealots. who tithe with others' money to their central god, Daddy Government; and follow their ternary commandments of virtue-signalling, victimhood, and mediocrity. [see also 'loser']
Leftism is a disease of mind, investment, and success.
Since the Thief-in-Chief Biden usurped the executive office:
1. As of February, inflation surged the highest since February 1982
2. Gas prices soared 40%
3. Energy prices surged 27% in the past 12 months
4. Fuel oil increased 46.5%
5. Energy commodities surged 39.9%
6. Utility (piped) gas service rose 23.9%
7. Cost of groceries up 7.4%
8. New vehicle prices shot up 12.2%
9. Used car and truck prices soared 40.5%
U.S. Inflation Rate Hits 40-Year High
Yet why... More...
Canadian 'hacker' Aubrey Cottle, "Kirtaner", who claims to be a 'leet h@x0r who doxxed innocent donators' PII by stealing GiveSendGo Data:
Notwithstanding political or philosophical disagreements, in my professional career as a coder and architect I have never violated others' trust and privacy, never once violated my principals and skills.
You, Aubrey Cottle, on the other, have neither skills nor principals. You are a spasmodic fraud with an epicene voice, whose existence should have begun and ended in your father's 'secret sock'.
Read on...More...
I would regret my birth if I were Dean Blundell (for clarification, Twitter: @ItsDeanBlundell) who willfully and publicly provided evidence against himself for the malicious endangerment of others and the dissemination of others' PII obtained through criminal means.
Not once - NOT ONCE - in my career have I even fantasized about violating others' privacy and other's trust in me with private information. There is never justifiable reason to expose others' PII (Personally Identifiable Information); especially for puerile revenge against them, whose only offenses were holding diametric principals.
l. nicholas inserted the critical, graphical additions to the showtime promotional image.
I feel neither guilt nor concern for the transgressions of them who lived before me. None at all.More...
My Lord of the Rings Parody of Amazon's Woke Corruption: Re-Imagining 'the Rings' for the Woke Generation [somewhat nsfw].
Правильно, Обычная пропаганда
do not enable the leftists' deception
Satire Image - L. Nicholas de Lioncourt
Whenever I am out and see a ranting progressive leftist
L'expression de mon visage chaque fois que je regarde un gauchiste en train de délirer
Seems an appropriate image. On Twitter, 'The Libs of Tik Tok' is a gallery of Leftist Nonsense (a redundancy).
Click this insufferable image to suffer the original video on Twitter (opens new tab).
Now, just because I listed the controversies; I am an egalitarian (a principle I always place above opinion); so, try not to assume I oppose others' natural, absolute right to conduct their own lives as THEY want WITHOUT the interference of social disapproval and government legislation. I am suggesting many of the controversies are actually well-designed social campaigns advancing population control.
After Embracing Socialism, I Thought the Democrat Party Needed an Updated Design for Campaign Buttons...
2021 Created by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt
Image Designed by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2021-11-30
Image created by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt (yes, those donkeys are giving the sieg)
I cannot append this to each entry; nonetheless, my graphics are not generalized assaults on all democrats or even them leaning to the 'left'. Not at all. Generalization is the core tenet of cancel culture, of critical race theory, of bigotry; not democrats or the 'left' in general.
Generalization is the foundational principal of them I do insult with my graphics: Marxists, Socialists, Government Zealots, Ever-Offended and Offensive Karens, the Far Left. (In this image, the German I wrote means: [The] Political Elites... from the People... against the People)
Sociopathy is blind to history... The Nuremberg Trials demonstrate the INEXORABLE consequences of medical tyranny.
Satire Image Created by by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt
If wanted, a larger version (120kb @ 1000x1053px)...More...
Satire Image Created by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Научный Чувак. Well... Кто я такая, чтобы стоять на пути у науки?
headlines assembled by l. nicholas de lioncourt
The Sinking Ship of the Authoritarian Left: censorship.
TWITTER.COM, as usual
Yet Twitter & Jack(off) Dorsey show no reluctance over videos featuring 'Minor Attracted Persons' demanding mass-acceptance of pederasty. Quite certain no conclusions would be appropriate... of course not...
Over the week-end, the mass media released speculation that the Thief-In-Chief Biden administration is pursuing the removal of Vice-President Kamala Harris; and while I execrate the Biden and Harris team, that the vile Swamp would elevate Biden over Harris is... unconvincing. That she would receive a SCOTUS nomination... unconvincing (if not as half-witted as she).
She is not one easily displaced. Any woman - anyone - with sufficient acumen and influence to ascend to vice-president of the United States should not be under-estimated - that is to write: in conflict, always over-estimate your opposition and ensure your opposition always under-estimates you.
Notwithstanding Harris' lowest-ever 29% approval rating; people's memories are as volatile as she, and with mass-media support, Harris' disfavor today could easily become her record-breaking popularity tomorrow.
I think Harris far more capable of what I wrote on September 16th.
Microsoft Bing, the world's #1 search engine... used by accident.
How malicious is Microsoft Bing's Censorship? I appear on the Official Search Engines of Russia, Yandex and of China, Baidu!
Not Bing.
Just as the many 100,000s+ of others; I have incurred Microsoft Bing's censorship wrath, and received the prestigious DEINDEXING AWARD.
My transgression: defiance against Microsoft's Authoritarian Woke Propaganda. Yes, Microsoft Bing openly admits to being a CONTENT EDITOR, not a site indexer.
Oh! Whatever shall I do without the 2.47% market share... 2.47% and falling each year.
Once again, messieurs et mesdames, the brilliance of Ben Garrison:
© Ben Garrison
The Wisdom of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Even in death, no one can bring this great man down -- L. Nicholas de Lioncourt
On this Hallowe'en Evening; perhaps we might catch the Ghosts of Terry McAuliffe's election chances.
(... I know a cross deters vampires, yet can one repel this Terry-ble vampile-of-sh*t, Count McAllLeft? Leftist POS.)
UPDATE: bwaaaa-haaaa-haaaa, he lost!
Oooooo...Это восстание (hе желаешь присоединиться к нам?)
While reviewing notes, found these two-month old announcements from Reuters and MSN - well-known extensions of the Bureau of Truth and Reconciliation. Notwithstanding, the state-run mass media did well with rendering this 'un-news'...
The State-Run Media, '...All the News That's Fit to Unprint...'
If January 6th had been an 'Insurrection' - the worst political Armageddon since the civil war; as fallaciously and melodramatically claimed - for what reason has neither the Biden Administration Department of Justice (DOJ) nor the U.S. Congress charged anyone with Insurrection or Treason in the ten-months since?
No one has been charged with Insurrection or Treason. No one.
Oh, you did not know that... I am not surprised; the only reliable principle of the left is deceit, mass- and self-
Marxists and Leftists are Stage IV Social Cancers.
Mandatory Reading of the marxist Left & the Progressives. Komrades, available in university cry-closets & safe-spaces nationwide, and soon to the ☭☭ Critical Race Theory ☭☭ curricula of public schools:
да товарищ - сейчас я читаю то, что нам задали!
image by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, and, yes ...sigh... my russian has critically suffered over the years.
If wanted, a larger version (339kb @ 1024x764px)...More...
Click on the more below to read: This is another common and disturbing example of what Leftists Aspire for their targeted enemies, which happens to be over one-half of the U.S. Population.
As many have experienced, the first message in the following graphic has become the open and common sentiments of the U.S. Left. Written without histrionics, the Leftists want their opposition dead. Not defeated. Not oppressed. They want over one-half of the U.S. populace dead.
That disturbing MESSAGE (and RESPONSE sentiment of one-half of the U.S. populace to that MESSAGE) More...
Now, consider this:
aoc satire 2021 by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt
What more must the marxist Left do
Since the January 6th, 2021 protest - the State created 'Insurrection' propaganda (link) - the marxist Left has divested all pretenses to persecute, intimidate, and immure their opposition to unimagined extremes of surveillance and injustice, including incarcerating political prisoners in solitary confinement for month after month.
Yet, when fellow Leftists violently stormed and took over the U.S. Department of the Interior building on October 15, 2021; More...