In 2018, avowed caballine-complexioned socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, disclosed: yearly earnings of $21,875, significant Federal Student Loan debt, and an estimated NET Worth of -$8,499.
In 2021, just a few years in Congress, she wore a 'TAX THE RICH' Brother Vellies' designer dress to the 2021 Met Gala for which admission was $35,000 each person, with tables starting at an additional $200,000... as well as her $400 earrings, $600 shoes...
Demand a financial audit of this fraudulent imbecile.
(... as parody, I added the text to the dress of the woman next to Ocasio-Cortez...)
As Creator, I attach no restrictions against sharing this image. Have fun!
(2021-09-16 Update: The Komrades in Twitter Ministry of Truth defend with official Memory Hole Propaganda...) More...