This is not to address support of - or opposition to - the abortion controversy; rather, I created this visual mockery in personal response to images of hypocrisy embodied by the Texas protesters.

satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed.
I have no interest in controlling others - promote & lead others, yes; but control, no - accordingly, I abhor others' attempts to oppress and control, and this is a manifestation of that abhorrence.
I could not disregard the flagrant, irrational Hypocrisy of the demonstrating masses holding signs: 'MY BODY, MY CHOICE', 'GOVERNMENT OFF MY BODY', 'STOP PROSECUTING ABORTION', 'STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK', 'KEEP YOUR LAWS OUT OF MY BODY', etc. & c. ad nauseum.
Yet - YET! Hypocrisy resides in the darkness of dimmed Principles. When OTHER p(l)andemic events are considered, I understood their protests are nothing but the narcissistic tantrums of sophists who simply want their way, since these same demonstrators prostrate before their political masters and viciously deny others' COVID Vaccination Choice with their very signs re-written as: 'YOUR BODY, MY CHOICE', 'GOVERNMENT PROTECTS MY BODY', 'START PROSECUTING THE UNVACCINATED', 'STAND UP AND COMPLY', 'MANDATES GOOD FOR YOUR BODY & MINE', etc.
Share this image with whomever, wherever. Authoritarian frauds must be exposed and humiliated.
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