Animal cruelty is an incontrovertible prelude to homicidal cruelty against mankind; thus, animal cruelty must receive the same fatal consequences given to rabid and threatening animals: life termination.
I promote unconditional reciprocal justice measure-for-measure. I would condemn them guilty of animal cruelty to suffer their own psychopathic cruelty; rather than rewarding them with the free housing, healthcare, and meals in prison.
Remember, reader, there is no treatment known, pharmaceutical or behavioral, for sociopathy; there is no rehabilitation possible for psychopathy - that is - the human mind corrupted beyond restoration.
... feet first into the woodchippers of justice in defense of the innocent and vulnerable!
Satire Image Created by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Научный Чувак. Well... Кто я такая, чтобы стоять на пути у науки?
note: Yes, before technology, I was once a successful and self-made - not 'DADDY-BIDEN-MADE-PARASITIC' - fine artist.
Remember the Seinfeld episode featuring the patron couple viewing 'The Kramer'? Well, since Hunter Biden has delusions of artistic talent.
I sadly present: 'THE HUNTER'
Satire Image Created by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt
A larger version (365kb @ 1000x1174px)...More...
Yes, the '10th Amendment' man is saying my actual thought when I heard Psaki assert this...
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.
10th Amendment: 'The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.'
After seeing all the 'Pumpkin Spice' MEMES, I realized one had been overlooked... so, I designed this piece of humor.
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed. hint: did you notice the pumpkins or the play-on-word 'wood' background?
Not even my 'passable' work; still funny though.
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.
What is the deal with Biden's exposed deltoid - is he part Yeti?
In response to the Malignant Left's latest assault on free speech...
I created this: the Censorship Times, future required reading of all Komrades, published by the Central Google-Facebook Government Free Press...
© 2021 Satire Image by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt. Free speech is unalienable self-determination and personal choice, even if that choice is deleterious to the individual or unpopular among the masses.
A larger version (336kb @ 1600x1270px)...More...
IDIOCRACY of the LEFT: promoting the State's vaccine campaign with a humiliating choreography of what I can only describe as un-seeable 'Vaxtraterrestrial' dancers, a middle-aged glove-puppet, and animated syringes that more resemble addicts willing to do '...all the things you'll like for just one more hit...'
…while prancing - yes, prancing - to 'Tequila' by The Champs.
A High-Colonic Extravaganza for the Eyes and Mind!
Not even 'The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour' was ever THIS moronic, and that show was visual contraception for the 70s generation - further, some men can pull-off guyliner (david sylvian, nick rhodes, me etc. &c.); some cannot. The guy on the left cannot.
During the panel discussion and presentation of the Maricopa County Election Audit, Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai cited the 'VERIFIED & APPROVED-MCTEC' stamp being 'under' the signature pointer (shown in the graphic below). Within online forums and news sites, these examples have swiftly - in my opinion, precipitately - become conclusive exemplars of fraud.
Notwithstanding my opinion of any issue - including the More...
In other's commentaries; politically left and right, my sentiment of May 2020 has become prevailing and ubiquitous.
We must soon engage an irrevocable and peaceful Cultural Secession.
→ One nation federal socialism.
→ One nation a libertarian alliance of states.
(To be candid, I am NEITHER Democrat NOR Republican (the uni-party of RINOs). I am and always have been a Libertarian Egalitarian)
As I have mentioned, CONSISTENCY prescribes that for the 'COVID vaccine' to be effective, the must be no exemptions to any mandate, at any level. NO EXEMPTIONS.
I created this graphic to demonstrate Marxism's only usefulness.
parody created © 2021 by l. nicholas de lioncourt. fair usage completely permitted.
Larger Version :: Right-Click → Save As (781kb 1000x1525px) More...
Leftism is a Religion of Absurdities; governed by Commandments of Outrage, a Deity of Bureaucracy, and Tithing with others' Coins.
LEFTISTS: All of European descent deserve to suffer collective guilt for the violence and intolerance of a few.
ALSO LEFTISTS: None may assign collective guilt to Muslims or any minority group for the violence and intolerance of a few.
LEFTISTS: My Body; My Right.
Except for the COVID p(l)andemic.
ALSO LEFTISTS: Your Body; My Right.
Intelligence and Logic are consistent; manifestly, the Left possesses neither.
(To be candid, I am NEITHER Democrat NOR Republican (the uni-party of RINOs). I am and always have been a Libertarian Egalitarian)
(... continuation of the entry about Komrade Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez', attendance at the 2021 Met Gala...)
Of course, apologists will assert Ocasio-Cortez' innocence through social-media prevarication - I suspect their pretense will be: Ocasio-Cortez' admission was free, a gift.
Specious. Deceitful.
Ocasio-Cortez' is a U.S. Representative for New York's 14th congressional district; thus, any 'gift' is unequivocally a campaign 'donation', a bribe, a quid pro quo pre-payment More...
While sorting through archival files, rediscovered my informal explanation for communism's unalterable, inexorable failure. Cannot recall if I had posted this previously.
For whom I created this, I no longer recall; so, I will publish this for others' armament against the Socialist Simpletons & Communist Cuckolds.
... listening to David Sylvian's song "Ride" on repeat...
Did you know that the 2020 election was stolen? Damn right. Without a doubt.
pour les autres lecteurs... c'est à dire - savais-tu que l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2020 était volée? t'as putain de raison ouais!
wusstest du, daß die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2020 gestohlen wurde? verdammt richtig - doch!
sans doute...
More than a year of these nonsensical, duplicitous mask mandates (15 Days to Stop the Spread) over some Criminal-Fauci-Taxpayer-Funded-China-Bio-Engineered flu variant with over a 99% survival rate; the State believes it has the authority to impose another year of mask mandates on the citizens...More...
I enjoy hiding unexpected messages in my professional pages; no one notices; for example, the Privacy Policy (even the Terms of Use).
Dear SJWs, each moment my eyes must suffer your ranting videos... vēnī, vīdī, vomitāvī
Other Languages More...
Consider this...
Without consent or choice; then, now, and until death, we are born the manifest property of bureaucrats; whose ownership is enforced by threats of injury, incarceration, asset seizure, and fatality - bureaucrats whose only authority is the phrase 'Because We Said So!'
... because we said so...
From opportunistic politicians to the useless masses of over-indulged students, these blights upon mankind demand all college education made free through taxpayers' work - "work", a concept unknown to both the aforementioned - and all existing debt nullified.More...
I actually wrote a "Goof" entry on IMDB.
I ignore mistakes in movies; if the narrative delivers entertainment, I consider errors moments of creative license.
Yet, while watching the superior 2009 "Sherlock Holmes" - superior in that Robert Downey Jr., elevates any film - I heard the French giant approach Holmes and ask, "You missed me?", yet what he said in French was "Do I miss you?".More...
I present our Nation's Proudly Passive Republican'ts, Conservatives and Libertarians...
... yeah, rights are definately not worth missing television...
Yes, that is I - l.nicholas de lioncourt - in the archetypal 1980s digital synthesis studio, late 1989 to be precise. At the end of this entry, I have listed the equipment in this photograph.
My favorite? My Yamaha DX-7 II-D. Second Favorite, E-mu Emulator II+
L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Music Studio, 1988
→ 360 Systems 8x8 MIDI Router Patcher
→ Akai MD280 and S-612
→ Cakewalk 2.0A 1988 Update (software)
→ Casio CZ-101
→ Casio RZ1
→ Deltalab Effectron ADM 1024 Digital Delay
→ DOD R-431 C Series 31-Band Graphic Equalizer
→ E-mu Emulator II+
→ Ensoniq Mirage DMS-8 Hybrid Synth
→ FB-01 Multitimbral Digital FM Synth Module
→ Kawai MX-8R Stereo Keyboard Mixer
→ Korg DVP1 Vocoder
→ Korg KMS-30 MIDI Synchronizer
→ Roland D-50 (far right, not in photo)
→ Roland MKS-70 (not in photo)
→ Roland TR-808
→ SRE-555
→ Yamaha DX21
→ Yamaha DX-7 II-D
→ Yamaha MT1X Multitrack Cassette Recorder
→ Yamaha RX-17
→ Yamaha SPX90 Digital multi-effect processor
→ Yamaha TX81Z
→ ... and a Commodore 64
Found one of me in the art studio in 1988, around the same year as that above. This was 1105 Grove Avenue, if I recall:
L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Art Studio, 1988
Against the Soviet Union, the populace of the United States engaged a Cold War.
Against Leftists, a majority of the United States is engaged in a Domestic Cold Civil War of irreconcilable differences; both sides already at critical mass. There may no longer be compromise or mutual tolerance in politics, culture, principles, philosophy - the left and right must separate.
The Left and Right must separate - no other options remain.
→ One nation federal socialism.
→ One nation a libertarian alliance of states.
The only solution is bifurcation; writing with metaphor, a cultural divorce, preferably peaceable; if not, so be it.
So be it.
(... originally a private May 2018 entry in my personal writing journal; copied herein with limited abridgement.)
In the 1970s and 1980s, children - that is to write, those misfits of youthful social strata - could be classified according to their fantastical passions: Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic Book Super Heroes, et al., yet through some congenital eccentricity (I assume this to have been the same cosmic antic that manifest me as a Depeche Mode and Visage fan), I did not enjoy comic books and thought the Superman movies nonsensical.
While I shared common enthusiasm for Star Trek and Star Wars, not once did I envision myself giving commands aboard the Enterprise or running through swamps of Dagobah with a verdant raisin instructing me in the ways of The Force.
I wanted to be Doctor Who. I wanted to live in the TARDIS.
Unfortunately, living in the South-Eastern United States, I had no one with whom to share my devotion, to role-play as Tom Baker or Peter Davison, to discuss the latest episodic events; no, and not until the ascendency of the Internet did I know there had been many other social oddities like me - others with passion for Doctor Who - others whom the technical limitations of my own childhood made inaccessible in those influential and lonely years.