Three Weapons Against Leftism

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on May 13 2022 05:25 zulu

A WAR TO DEFEAT, to end any authority of, Leftism needs only three weapons.


Two phrases of two words each; no further justification given: 'okay, whatever' and 'I refuse'.

'Okay, whatever...'

'Okay, whatever...'

'Okay, whatever...'


'You will comply with our mandate.'
'I refuse.'

'You will accept this guilt.'
'I refuse.'

'You will not use these words.'
'I refuse.'


And the third weapon? The apathy to ignore their intimidation at any and every level of authority.



Even if you are not confrontational, I assure you these three weapons become second-nature with practice (eventually, learn to enjoy their tantrums as entertainment - I do).



categories: government | individualism | lefty-insanity

A warning from 1548 by Étienne de la Boétie

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 22 2021 00:57 zulu

As society wanes into a perpetual childhood; spiraling into willing authoritarianism in exchange for promises of safety and welfare, consider both this guidance and a warning from 1548... yes, 1548:


'…Obviously there is no need of fighting to overcome this single tyrant, for he is automatically defeated if the country refuses consent to its own enslavement: it is not necessary to deprive him of anything, but simply to give him nothing; there is no need that the country make an effort to do anything for itself provided it does nothing against itself.

It is therefore the inhabitants themselves who permit, or, rather, bring about, their own subjection, since by ceasing to submit they would put an end to their servitude…'


:: Excerpt taken from 'The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude' by Étienne de la Boétie (1548), translated by Harry Kurz, New York: Free Life Editions, 1975



categories: government | individualism | opinion | personal | rights

The Cognitive Imbecility of Leftism

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 16 2021 00:46 zulu

Leftism is a Religion of Absurdities; governed by Commandments of Outrage, a Deity of Bureaucracy, and Tithing with others' Coins.


LEFTISTS: All of European descent deserve to suffer collective guilt for the violence and intolerance of a few.

ALSO LEFTISTS: None may assign collective guilt to Muslims or any minority group for the violence and intolerance of a few.


LEFTISTS: My Body; My Right.

Except for the COVID p(l)andemic.

ALSO LEFTISTS: Your Body; My Right.


Intelligence and Logic are consistent; manifestly, the Left possesses neither.


(To be candid, I am NEITHER Democrat NOR Republican (the uni-party of RINOs). I am and always have been a Libertarian Egalitarian)


COVID - The 10 Stages of Genocide for Comparison

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 15 2021 13:57 zulu

I created this presentation of Dr. Gregory Stanton's 10-Stage Model of Genocide; while reading, reflect on the successive government and mass collective abuses and mandates over this COVID p(l)andemic.

The parallels are revealing, alarming, and undeniable.

As of this writing, my assessment is that the United States has passed the threshold into STAGE 06 POLARIZATION.

Australian Tyranny has arrived at STAGE 08: PERSECUTION.

As always, Reader, verify my assertions through your research. Search for: Gregory Stanton's 10-Stage Model of Genocide

Larger: More...

There are too many KARENS

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 12 2021 22:52 zulu

There are too many KARENS, wearing those idiotic oval-fram'd glasses, their limp and stringy hair, their bulged eyes and red-tipped noses.

The nation needs Dexter Morgan inspired overachievers with woodchippers.


Keep in mind, KARENS, that when you see me staring; that is what I am imagining.


federal Government to subvert State sovereignty

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 12 2021 01:48 zulu

[EDIT 2021 08 13 - Authoritarians are so predictable - see news article at the end of my original August 11th assessment...]

For the Nth wave of this fauxdemic, the federal State has openly announced plans to subvert States' sovereignty; while considering the simplicity of Biden's dictatorial senescence, I realized a few likely choices through which this could be achieved - of these: the 1979 federalization of the school system, as well as interstate commerce and travel.

The states had better act quickly, or the People rise up in both defiance and en masse.More...


categories: collectivism | government | individualism | opinion | rights

Just a reminder for when politicians - as Biden did - threaten us

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 05 2021 04:18 zulu

BIDEN threatened the People: '...Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government...'


(this prints quite nicely...) Just a reminder for you, reader, when Biden, the State, et al., attempt to threaten the People -- More...


categories: government | individualism | personal | rights

After more than a year of masks the State wants more

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 30 2021 00:20 zulu

More than a year of these nonsensical, duplicitous mask mandates (15 Days to Stop the Spread) over some Criminal-Fauci-Taxpayer-Funded-China-Bio-Engineered flu variant with over a 99% survival rate; the State believes it has the authority to impose another year of mask mandates on the citizens...More...

We need not be Trump supporters to be enemies

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 30 2021 00:09 zulu

N.Y. Times Reporter asserts any person against an election, stolen and fraudulent; against the institution socialist tyranny, is an enemy of the state.

According to that reporter's sentiment; yes, we are.

We need not be Donald Trump supporters to be enemies against a socialist State.


Article Capture:More...


categories: government | individualism | opinion | personal | rights

To Supporters of Protected Classes

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 28 2021 10:11 zulu

I neither recognize nor will defer to any 'PROTECTED CLASS'.

I assume equality first and foremost - we are either EQUAL or we ARE NOT; quite simple. Egalitarian respect and support.

Either equal... or we are not.


... if you decide or demand that you CANNOT accept equality WITHOUT constraints or conditions, WITHOUT expecting my submission; I have never felt one moment of fear in the least, so with sincerity I WILL NOT treat you thus - and I will confront and unforgettably injure your simple-minded narcissism.

... and more and more and MORE people each day are losing their fear of you as well... control your entitled anger or the people will change it for you.



categories: government | individualism | opinion | personal | rights

Discuss with family and friends - May People Oppose Government

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 23 2021 03:51 zulu

This is an excerpt from a rather voluminous entry I wrote on January 12, 2021; and these passages are CRITICAL for you, and your children, to understand, discuss, and remember when bureaucrats declare (declare, meaning to lie) that a citizen MAY NOT oppose or undermine Government.More...


categories: government | individualism | personal | rights

Dear SJW veni, vidi, vomitavi

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 21 2021 10:17 zulu

Dear SJWs, each moment my eyes must suffer your ranting videos... vēnī, vīdī, vomitāvī


Other Languages More...


categories: idleness | individualism | opinion | personal | rights

For all SJWs my pronouns

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 21 2021 10:06 zulu

For all SJWs, my pronouns are phucmeizelf/phucoorzelvz



categories: leftist tech | individualism | opinion | rights

we are born the manifest property of bureaucrats

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 19 2021 00:43 zulu

Consider this...

Without consent or choice; then, now, and until death, we are born the manifest property of bureaucrats; whose ownership is enforced by threats of injury, incarceration, asset seizure, and fatality - bureaucrats whose only authority is the phrase 'Because We Said So!'


... because we said so...



categories: government | idleness | individualism | personal | rights

The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism II

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 07 2021 01:13 zulu

Added this image 2021 09 16

(Traitor Milley by Ben Garrison. Image prepended 2021-09-16)


(ensuring this topic from The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism I consists of short entries)


To be succinct, if you, reader, spend five-to-ten minutes each day scanning descriptions of "Fabian Socialism", the "boiling frog fable", Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer", and however much your patience can tolerate summaries of "Cultural Marxism" - if you browse through these four topics…More...

The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism III

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 06 2021 20:55 zulu

So why? You have » already seen « the "WHY" in articles about public school "woke" madness, cultural conditioning, and forced implementations of critical race theory!

Again, why has the MILITARY descended into "woke" insanity and critical race theory imbecility?


The answer is: the military applies the criterion "efficient strategy"; the military is not a mess of "woke" insanity and critical race theory imbecility.

The "woke" label is a deception of "minimization" to portray their actions as "ridiculous" and "insane", when their actions are actually treacherous steps in the critical path of one gradual, transformative campaign, steps that cannot be reasonably concealed from the public; and so, must be downplayed to the people as "absurdity" and innocent targets of paranoia. More...

A Judgement of Critical Race Theory (CRT)

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 06 2021 02:57 zulu

Keep in mind that I sincerely have not one "damn" - I am "damn" bankrupt - to give about anyone's need to control and intimidate; to any company's, any authority's, demand for conformance. I have just never lived my life in fear, or for others' approvals.

Life is a transient, transactional, one-use-only opportunity, and its conclusion should never be a moment of realization that the opportunity was wasted in deference to others' control.




categories: collectivism | individualism | opinion | personal

subordinate to the rights of vermin

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on June 18 2021 01:21 zulu

An excerpt from "a project" I am writing:

"... After all, the universal rights of self-preservation and preservation of others, notwithstanding fatality, are guaranteed to all living things from the moment of birth. If even the common rat and cockroach may invoke these natural rights without justification, approval, or judgement; then a free man, who is his own property, may as well. If not, the man is a tool possessed, neither free nor owner of himself. He lives subordinate to the rights of vermin..."



categories: government | individualism | personal | rights | writing


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on June 11 2021 03:38 zulu

I abhor the concept of GLOBALISM, MULTI-CULTURALISM; yet not out of biases - no - rather - the ambitions of multi-culturalism would result in a homogeneity of human philosophy and innovation - how tragic and potentially species-ending would be those losses - since the variate, often diametric, perspectives of dissimilar cultures are the geneses of advancements that contrasting cultures would not have made, and contrariwise.

Even worse, such global homogeneity extinguishes all development of coexistent cultures, and prohibits the formation of new cultures; creating a collective intolerance of differences. That is to write, a universal acceptance of democide to preserve the uniculture for the global good.

Well Explains Why I am neither right nor left wing

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 27 2021 03:00 zulu

My 'Political Compass' results reveal quite well my disassociation with the LEFT and RIGHT wings (see image). 

For WHAT reason should the masses be SO OPPOSED to self-determination and personal responsibility?More...

No You Are Not a Hero and We are not In this together

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 08 2021 02:45 zulu


No and no.

Again and again and again businesses must append contrived sentiments of 'heroism' to their products. How pathetic these companies promoting campaigns of consumer manipulation and retail auto-eroticism; wherein everyone from mask-wearing, self-righteous beldams to physicians' front-desk administrators are portrayed as intrepid heroes, sacrificing their mortality to selflessly move among the plague-ridden masses...


No. Although tragic, this is not The Plague.

Just another opportunity for narcissists to justify their authoritarian hypochondria.

Just another opportunity for harridans to assuage their empty lives by controlling the lives of others.More...


categories: platitudes | collectivism | individualism | personal

Tantrum and revisionism are not awarded...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 07 2021 03:48 zulu

The 'Newspeak' image below -  insanity - no, not a prop from the film '1984'; rather, the delusion of the Left, of Progressives - the continuance of their redistributive circle-jerk.


The Left has not yet understood: they intimidate no one, but amuse most. They cry louder yet hear only the echo of apathy... 

... but I will play the part of your audience.More...


categories: 3rdWaveFeminist | individualism | opinion | personal

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt and Noelle de Lioncourt Part 2

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 26 2020 04:32 zulu

For Family Part 2: Photographs of Us (be patient as they load and just right-click, then 'open in new tab' or 'save as').

Once saved to your PC, please do not zoom into these photographs to see my flaws (...& they be many); Noelle, none.


Noelle de Lioncourt, 2018 May 29 (taken by Nicholas de Lioncourt)

Noelle de Lioncourt, 2018 May 29 (taken by Nicholas de Lioncourt).


From Left - Noelle's Grand-Mother (Rose-Marie Mendez), Noelle de Lioncourt, Cousin (Cheryl) and Aunt (Sharan)

Noelle's Grand-Mother, Noelle de Lioncourt, Cousin and Aunt (taken by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt)


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2016 November 14 taken by Noelle

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2016 November 14 (taken by Noelle).


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt when still an artist in 1994

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, the artist era 1994. Yes, before De Lioncourt, LLC., and before my career in technology, I was a fine artist. In the photograph, I had just started this acrylics on board artwork, and at this stage the piece was still a vastly incomplete underpainting. I had aspired to combine the Pre-Raphaelite style, with some elements rendered almost impressionistic and others, hyper-realistic. Why I ended this stage of my life so abruptly; almost overnight, is a complex narrative on the mutability of the mind, facing truths about yourself, and the advent of the Internet.


The work in the next photograph is a completed piece demonstrating my style. This was to be part of a series featuring abbey ruins - in this piece a stained-glass cloister. Created using acrylics applied with brushes, toned with Iwata airbrushes, on sealed 3-feet wide x 4-feet tall hardboard, 1995.

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt with finished piece, when still an artist in 1995

Artwork © 1995 L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, designer and creator. Yes, I removed as much of my face as possible! For the spotlights to emphasize; not glare on, the art, the glare was focused on my face just as I made a funny - and hideously silly - expression.


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, now-and-then, 1986 and 2011

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 1986 and 2011. I discovered my forgotten denim jacket, and took a now-and-then portrait. On the left, the white cat was one of my many rescues; and in the 2011 photograph, my still-with-me puppy-cat, Bailey.

(yeah, my hair... was AWESOME in the 1980s: blonde streaks atop luxurious black and auburn locks crowing dark facial stubble. No, perhaps not up to modern standards of style; nonetheless, attracted the girls, and at that age, what else mattered? Hate the vintage game; not the vintage player).


Part I Is Here

Addendum: A 2021 Updated Photograph Is Here


l. nicholas de lioncourt in 1988



other photos might follow...


categories: blog | individualism | personal

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt and Noelle de Lioncourt Part 1

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 26 2020 03:59 zulu

For Family Part 1: Photographs of Us Taken June 29 2020 (just right-click, then save as)

Once saved to your PC, please do not zoom into these photographs to see my flaws (...& they be many).


Part II Is Here

Addendum: A 2021 Updated Photograph Is Here


l. nicholas de lioncourt in 1988


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt & Noelle de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (apologies for the lack of focus - yes, reading glasses)

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt & Noelle de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (apologies for the lack of focus).


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by self)

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by self - liked the lighting, gave off an exaggerated hue).


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2020 June 29 taken by Noelle

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by Noelle - why I chose the 1000-yard stare, who knows).


L. Nicholas and Noelle de Lioncourt 2008 Christmas

(by request) Nicholas and Noelle de Lioncourt, that Christmas 2008 photograph taken in our 2nd home. My expression conveys the excitement over being photographed with uncommonly short hair.


Noelle de Lioncourt 2008 Christmas

(older ones by request) Noelle de Lioncourt. While searching for the previous photograph, I found this Christmas 2008 'selfie' Noelle took on her ancient 'flip phone'.


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2009 July

(older ones by request) L. Nicholas de Lioncourt. Also found this one of me that Noelle apparently took at Barnes and Noble back in July of 2009.



other photos might follow...


categories: blog | individualism | personal

A Domestic Cold War

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on May 16 2020 00:50 zulu

Against the Soviet Union, the populace of the United States engaged a Cold War.

Against Leftists, a majority of the United States is engaged in a Domestic Cold Civil War of irreconcilable differences; both sides already at critical mass. There may no longer be compromise or mutual tolerance in politics, culture, principles, philosophy - the left and right must separate.

The Left and Right must separate - no other options remain.

One nation federal socialism.

One nation a libertarian alliance of states.

The only solution is bifurcation; writing with metaphor, a cultural divorce, preferably peaceable; if not, so be it.

So be it.