One aspect of Finnish that had me grinning during the 2020 Election: knowing the word 'kamalaa'.
Näin jotain kamalaa - ja - ja - se henkilö oli... Kamala.
(... ei helvetissä! en äänestänyt Bidenin...)
Ignore that. Ignore the other rules, as well.
Disregard the gibbering of anyone promoting "the right way to write".
Within the species, Homo Sapiens Sapiens, lives a regressive subclass of bryozoans named, "Grammar Prescriptivists".More...
I actually wrote a "Goof" entry on IMDB.
I ignore mistakes in movies; if the narrative delivers entertainment, I consider errors moments of creative license.
Yet, while watching the superior 2009 "Sherlock Holmes" - superior in that Robert Downey Jr., elevates any film - I heard the French giant approach Holmes and ask, "You missed me?", yet what he said in French was "Do I miss you?".More...