When one country seeks to arm another, the justification is that the other country is an ALLY.
When one country seeks to disarm another, the justification is that the other country is an ENEMY.
When one side of the populace seeks to disarm the other, the justification is that the other side is an _________.
Excellent, BabylonBee.com - I would also append that this repeatedly-disgraced plagiarist (verified and indiputable) is also the Thief-In-Chief serving a position to which he was never elected.

Leftism - sacrifice your happiness and comfort for the happiness and comfort of your ruling class. Jetzt und immerdar, soll man die Insekten essen!

On reading this, all I heard was Dr. Evil responding 'riiiiight...'

More evidence that Google censors to hide the truth from the public and protect the progressive left.
Subsequent the decision recast Roe v. Wade as states' policy rather than a federal policy, the tolerant, post-racial progressive leftists engage in mass racist vitriol on social media platforms, denigrating Judge Clarence Thomas with variations of 'Uncle Tom' and 'n**ger' - abhorrent bigotry that would result in the progressive left's well-deserved extinction if the public witnessed the truth.
Common with authoritarian regimes, the State established and supported Google hides the truth from the public.
Google has become both publisher and editor, which is a manifest violation of Section 230 in the Communications Decency Act; thus Google is legally liable for intentionally misleading the public, yet would the State sue itself...
(click image for full size -> opens in a new tab)

Reality is Leftism's Nightmare
If you, reader, believe that the majority of the U.S. populace supports gun control; WRONG. Watch this animated graphic reveal the escalating EXPANSION of gun rights year-by-year as states progress from NO ISSUE conceal carry to SHALL ISSUE, and then to UNRESTRICTED, permitless conceal carry.
Rage against the setting sun, lefties; you will be far more effective slowing the expansion of night.
For the small-type challenged, the colors represent:
NO ISSUE restricted leftists' dream conceal carry
MAY ISSUE conceal carry
SHALL ISSUE conceal carry
UNRESTRICTED, permitless conceal carry
... the states know what the central federal government has planned for the U.S., public...

Description: History of handgun carry permit laws, 1986-2022
Author: Jeff Dege
Source: www.gun-nuttery.com/rtc.php
The only state action on guns I support is the repeal of ALL firearm laws and restrictions. Firearms should be as easily mail-ordered as cake mix. Any citizen who has the means to purchase an LGM-30G Minuteman III missile, should own one without limitations.
... 'shall not be infringed'... no conditions were listed; no limitations enumerated.
If you disagree, Lefty, keep uppermost in your insensate mind that I care more about the surface tension of toilet water than your authoritarian opinions.
LEFTISTS: How many people must die before you give up your guns...
ME: The entire population of Earth, and even then, nope...

created this at a meme generation site.
The United States' 2nd Amendment states '... shall NOT be infringed...'; notwithstanding the modernity of the firearms.
If the founders, as the imbecile leftists (redundant) assert, did not intend the 2nd Amendment encompass contemporary ordnance as the AR-15; then, the First Amendment (that is to write for victims of public school indoctrination, freedom of speech) applies to no modern technology; since neither the Internet, cellular phone, email, nor television existed concurrent the drafting of the Bill of Rights.
As the 2nd Amendment incontrovertibly implies no limitation, no condition; I promote as manifest that each citizen of the United States has the unalienable right to possess any and all weaponry permitted the military, and Open-Carry, the Castle Doctrine & Constitutional-Carry should become a Constitutional Amendment - without condition.
Our founding documents establish our Rights are given by birth, not by the government; given by birth in opposition to the State, to be defended even to the abolishment of the State.
F**k each Leftist to the Hells of their Mediocrity and Nihilism. I will never submit.
A WAR TO DEFEAT, to end any authority of, Leftism needs only three weapons.
Two phrases of two words each; no further justification given: 'okay, whatever' and 'I refuse'.
'Okay, whatever...'
'Okay, whatever...'
'Okay, whatever...'
'You will comply with our mandate.'
'I refuse.'
'You will accept this guilt.'
'I refuse.'
'You will not use these words.'
'I refuse.'
And the third weapon? The apathy to ignore their intimidation at any and every level of authority.
Even if you are not confrontational, I assure you these three weapons become second-nature with practice (eventually, learn to enjoy their tantrums as entertainment - I do).
the latest delusory alarmism by the Left employs the repeated phrase 'existential threat' ad nauseum.
Pseudo-Intellectualism. Similar to their misusage of the word 'literally' (word-for-word), they have assumed or confused 'dire' into the the popularized - and incorrect - interpretation of 'existential crisis', which results from an awareness of absurdism.
Before the left once again exposes their manifest ignorance, perhaps these imbeciles should consult Kierkegaard and Sartre.
I am looking forward to the Leftists' 'Disinformation Governance Bureau' so that I might openly mock and defy them at every step.
I imagine the U.S. Leftists will take immediate action when they learn the supply chain crisis could affect their shipments of young children.
Notwithstanding opinions of abortion; and this is not intended to address any, my sentiment expresses the typical hypocrisy of the left:

no... leave the teeth out of this - compare their eyes and smiles,

For no other ambition than the intersectional absurdities of Marxism, this triviality of life - this nonsensical Karen - Alison Stine, denigrates an accomplished entertainer, Chris Pratt, as 'disgraced' for his... piety.More...
Made this in response to the Biden Administration and Mayorkas announcing the creation of the 'Disinformation Governance Board' on Wednesday April 27th. Feel free to use and spread.
Leftist 'liberalism': liberty so inclusive, it needs to be mandated against you.
(click image for full size -> opens in a new tab)

criticism satire by l. nicholas de lioncourt
This is the original image I used More...
Now that my 'shadow ban' on Twitter has ended (as their internal off-shored teams work to conceal the Twitter propaganda filters) I may once again enjoy an evening insulting this itty-bitty brownshirt:

As the Left decries the predatory free-speech Elon Musk might bring to Twitter...
Yes, the woke brigade has turned THOR into Odin's Princess, for... reasons. Next (sigh), coming to a theater near you: Iron Wammin.
(click image for full size -> opens in a new tab)

satire poster by l. nicholas de lioncourt
'I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.'
The Leadership of Frederick Douglass
Historical accuracy is 'white supremacy' and 'toxic masculinity'? No. Another Leftist campaign against the trauma of facts. This film is neither 'white supremacy' nor 'toxic masculinity'; rather, historical accuracy is untenable truth for the Left. In their war against cultural and historical accuracy, the Left stands on the threshold of their extinction.
We no longer fear their accusations.
We ignore their tantrums.
We mock their cultural and historical delusions...
They are the frail, the timorous, and the delicate of emotions.
They are afraid... of us... what they fear, what outrages them, we must embrace. WE. MUST. EMBRACE.

You ever noticed the Leftists have not praised, will never praise, the gifted insight and eloquence of Frederick Douglass? The Leftists would violently protest an historically accurate film about his struggle and incredible principles... wonder why... what political party was he...
When compared to Thief-in-Chief Biden, Ed Gein is the paradigm of boldness and empathy.
Jeffrey Krames has offended baseline intelligence with this pop-up book of blank-page dementia and yellow-stained debauchery: this is a delusory manifest of leftist insanity far less believable than 'The H.H. Holmes Way: How to Become a Successful Hotel Entrepreneur and Ladies Man'.

Low-power, recycled intelligence drives Leftism - the Courts are the Judicial System and 1/3 of the checks-and-balances designed into the U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT: each branch constrains the powers of the other two. The imbecile even wrote '... a federal judge...'

image: l. nicholas de lioncourt

image: l. nicholas de lioncourt
As I have written in other posts here and other forums: I SUPPORT MASKS. Masks save my time.
Masks give me the opportunity to identify an imbecile wearing one... without the inconvenience of wasting my valuable time getting to know that person just to learn that I am dealing with an imbecile.
COVID-19 is a State/Media social-stress campaign based on the Stanford Prison Experiment.
(click image for full size -> opens in a new tab)

My conclusion reiterated: More...
One aspect of Finnish that had me grinning during the 2020 Election: knowing the word 'kamalaa'.
Näin jotain kamalaa - ja - ja - se henkilö oli... Kamala.
(... ei helvetissä! en äänestänyt Bidenin...)
Every Leftist who attempts to argue with me… ↦ ↦ ↦ More...
While browsing various articles about coding, I encountered this site: digdeeper.neocities.org and this article:
'Coronavirus scare and the blueprint for slavery'
If you, reader, wanted evidence against the P(l)andemic (...that is to write, the Campaign designed by Wolves for the hypochondriacal, narcissistic Karen Sheep and their submissive cuckolded, and half-wit 'life-partners') this researched exposé prints as a 45-page PDF for your defenses against their mindless offensives.
if you trust the Wolves that a dust mask impedes 50nm to 140nm virii - masks that you toss onto your kitchen counters or the passenger car seat so that you can itch... or pick... your noses with your feculent hands - then this article is not for you; please continue wearing your three mask face-diapers so that we might more easily identify you imbeciles without the inconvenience of interacting with you.
pussaa persettäni vasemmistolainen (kukaan ei ole turvassa vasemmiston syövältä) - LNDL

© Ben Garrison
One objective of the Left's 2020 presidential arrogation, the Great Steal, is the reclamation of the Supreme Court by 2024.
From my observations, notwithstanding the performances of feigned outrage within and about the hearings, Marxist Ketanji Brown Jackson has been politically predestined to the Supreme Court; if not, the Left has readied well-funded, damn well-fictitious social campaigns of violent protest, celebrity wrath, mass censorship, and a continuous torrent of state-written mass-media propaganda decrying racial injustice and patriarchal subjugation.
Thereafter a long-predetermined event within the next three-years; the Left will commit judicial larceny to force a position on the Supreme Court into vacancy - how - by repeating the fate of Scalia, if one of the textualist advocates of natural law as Clarence Thomas is taken; or by sudden retirement, if a deep-state compromised pawn as Roberts is chosen.
Thus the method by which the Left will capture the highest court in the next three years.
If the Leftists had not vehemently denounced and reviled this accomplished African-American woman (lefties are obsessed with categorizing and generalizing) in 2005, Judge Janice Rogers Brown would have been on the Supreme Court, SHOULD HAVE been on the Supreme Court.
Once more, Leftism is a necrotic disease of mind.

Not my image; however, Marxist moron and SJW Ketanji Jackson IS NOT the first African-American woman (which she is not; after all, she asserted she was 'not a biologist') considered for the Supreme Court - I recall how the Left vilified and denigrated the incredible Janice Rogers Brown; how the segregationist imbecile - now, Thief-In-Chief - Biden vowed to ensure she would never be nominated.
Leftism is a necrotic disease of mind.
Not my image (resized, open image in new tab for full size)…

do not question THE MESSAGE

critical parody by l. nicholas
(click image for full size -> opens in a new tab)

satire poster by l. nicholas de lioncourt
Filed under FANTASY FICTION: My initial assumption would be that this is a book whose front and back covers are too far separated by a few hundred blank pages.

What insult to sincerely talented and creative women, truly accomplished such as the original Camille Paglia.
LEFTISM: (...Типичное лицемерие)

The Kleptocratic crimes; including collusion and extortion, by the Biden family gave this Thief in Chief sufficient influence to foment this aggression between Russia and the Ukraine.

Stephen King, an insufferable political lemming. Notwithstanding the Progressive Left campaign, King inserts his evolution-regressed face. As I wrote in a Twitter response: if the Left embraced public coprophilia, King would be there with a sh*t-stained self-portrait.

эй, progressive left, нажрись говна и сдохни. Идите вы все на хуй.

created in response to:

Это пропаганда
Germany seems to have unlearned their history in an effort to repeat their history; this time 'round: geimpfte Übermenschen. What is next, Germany, the 'Vaccinated Youth'?
This is how I read (that is, my translation) the following German WWII revival propaganda:
The unvaccinated
unwelcome here!
Track them down! Capture Them!
Confine & Vaccinate Them! (implied tone is 'by force')
'We vaccinate us ALL' (implied tone is 'by force')

Okay. No Problems. In the U.S., and just in convenient time for the mid-term elections, the Progressive Left will soon announce 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' and rescind their face mask terrorism. This must happen soon, since the Progressive Left needs sufficient time for the populace to forget - political amnesia - the medical tyranny and propaganda these two-years passed.
Just wait... soon...
The religion of safe-space cry-closet confessionals - of unsuccessful narcissists, of triggered zealots. who tithe with others' money to their central god, Daddy Government; and follow their ternary commandments of virtue-signalling, victimhood, and mediocrity. [see also 'loser']

Leftism is a disease of mind, investment, and success.
Since the Thief-in-Chief Biden usurped the executive office:
1. As of February, inflation surged the highest since February 1982
2. Gas prices soared 40%
3. Energy prices surged 27% in the past 12 months
4. Fuel oil increased 46.5%
5. Energy commodities surged 39.9%
6. Utility (piped) gas service rose 23.9%
7. Cost of groceries up 7.4%
8. New vehicle prices shot up 12.2%
9. Used car and truck prices soared 40.5%
U.S. Inflation Rate Hits 40-Year High
Yet why... More...
Canadian 'hacker' Aubrey Cottle, "Kirtaner", who claims to be a 'leet h@x0r who doxxed innocent donators' PII by stealing GiveSendGo Data:
Notwithstanding political or philosophical disagreements, in my professional career as a coder and architect I have never violated others' trust and privacy, never once violated my principals and skills.
You, Aubrey Cottle, on the other, have neither skills nor principals. You are a spasmodic fraud with an epicene voice, whose existence should have begun and ended in your father's 'secret sock'.

Read on...More...