Dean Blundell Criminally 'Doxxed' the Innocent

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 16 2022 10:00 zulu

I would regret my birth if I were Dean Blundell (for clarification, Twitter: @ItsDeanBlundell) who willfully and publicly provided evidence against himself for the malicious endangerment of others and the dissemination of others' PII obtained through criminal means.

Not once - NOT ONCE - in my career have I even fantasized about violating others' privacy and other's trust in me with private information. There is never justifiable reason to expose others' PII (Personally Identifiable Information); especially for puerile revenge against them, whose only offenses were holding diametric principals.

Dean Blundell is an accomplice to criminal endangerment of others and publishing stolen private information



categories: leftist tech | lefty-insanity | personal

The Intolerance and Enmity of Cultural Marxism

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 16 2022 07:39 zulu

Showtime's campaign of reverse-racism
l. nicholas inserted the critical, graphical additions to the showtime promotional image.


I feel neither guilt nor concern for the transgressions of them who lived before me. None at all.More...


categories: lefty-insanity | opinion | personal

Leftist Memory-Hole Campaign for 2022

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 14 2022 01:44 zulu

Правильно, Обычная пропаганда

Leftist Memory-Hole Campaign for the 2022 Mid-Term Elections
do not enable the leftists' deception


categories: government | lefty-insanity | opinion

My face when I see a ranting lefty

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 07 2022 09:49 zulu

Whenever I am out and see a ranting progressive leftist

Whenever I am out and see a progressive LEFTIST


categories: opinion | personal | lefty-insanity

Ouais c'est mon expression quand je regarde...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 07 2022 09:41 zulu

L'expression de mon visage chaque fois que je regarde un gauchiste en train de délirer

L'expression de mon visage chaque fois que je regarde un gauchiste en train de délirer


categories: lefty-insanity | opinion

More More More Leftist Nonsense

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 07 2022 08:42 zulu

Seems an appropriate image. On Twitter, 'The Libs of Tik Tok' is a gallery of Leftist Nonsense (a redundancy).

Click this insufferable image to suffer the original video on Twitter (opens new tab).
Leftists... visual erectile dysfunction... relief for the bowels...



categories: opinion | personal | lefty-insanity

The Common Theme Behind All the Left Does

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 03 2022 10:40 zulu

My opinion of the Common Theme Behind All the Left Does

Now, just because I listed the controversies; I am an egalitarian (a principle I always place above opinion); so, try not to assume I oppose others' natural, absolute right to conduct their own lives as THEY want WITHOUT the interference of social disapproval and government legislation. I am suggesting many of the controversies are actually well-designed social campaigns advancing population control.


categories: lefty-insanity | opinion