This is not about COVID

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 12 2021 14:09 zulu

This is not about COVID.

This is not about a 'pandemic'.

This is not about 'public safety'.

Otherwise... no one could - or would - receive exemption.

Theirs is a Campaign of Health Lies and Larceny.



categories: government | opinion | personal | rights

My informal explanation for communism's inexorable failure

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 19 2021 04:11 zulu

While sorting through archival files, rediscovered my informal explanation for communism's unalterable, inexorable failure. Cannot recall if I had posted this previously.

For whom I created this, I no longer recall; so, I will publish this for others' armament against the Socialist Simpletons & Communist Cuckolds.

... listening to David Sylvian's song "Ride" on repeat...


categories: collectivism | government | idleness | opinion | personal | rights

There are too many KARENS

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 12 2021 22:52 zulu

There are too many KARENS, wearing those idiotic oval-fram'd glasses, their limp and stringy hair, their bulged eyes and red-tipped noses.

The nation needs Dexter Morgan inspired overachievers with woodchippers.


Keep in mind, KARENS, that when you see me staring; that is what I am imagining.


federal Government to subvert State sovereignty

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 12 2021 01:48 zulu

[EDIT 2021 08 13 - Authoritarians are so predictable - see news article at the end of my original August 11th assessment...]

For the Nth wave of this fauxdemic, the federal State has openly announced plans to subvert States' sovereignty; while considering the simplicity of Biden's dictatorial senescence, I realized a few likely choices through which this could be achieved - of these: the 1979 federalization of the school system, as well as interstate commerce and travel.

The states had better act quickly, or the People rise up in both defiance and en masse.More...


categories: collectivism | government | individualism | opinion | rights

Saul Alinsky - Control healthcare and you control the people

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 10 2021 12:21 zulu

My search for a quote by Saul Alinsky, the Architect of Leftist Strategy, resulted in a list of RELATED AUTHORS that could not have been more applicable and revealing!


Saul Alinsky Quote


The Quote: More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal

Exhibit DCLXVI the COVID Delta Variant Is a scam

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 09 2021 12:42 zulu

PERHAPS you narcissistic Karens and beta-male Marxists might attempt some gaslight explanation of this...

satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.



categories: collectivism | government | opinion | rights

Did you know that the 2020 election was stolen

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 08 2021 07:40 zulu


Did you know that the 2020 election was stolen? Damn right. Without a doubt.


pour les autres lecteurs... c'est à dire - savais-tu que l'élection présidentielle américaine de 2020 était volée? t'as putain de raison ouais!


wusstest du, daß die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2020 gestohlen wurde? verdammt richtig - doch!

sans doute...


categories: government | idleness | opinion | personal | rights

Biden psycho-sniffer qu'est-ce que c'est

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 08 2021 02:00 zulu


qu'est-ce que c'est?

fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-fa-far better

run, run, run, run, run, run, run away


categories: leftist tech | government | opinion | personal

A man I admire, Dr. Thomas Sowell

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 08 2021 01:42 zulu

Dr. Thomas Sowell

Writing with sincerity; although my passions do not lie in economics, for more years than my aging should confess, I have admired the contemplative intelligence, personal history, and inspiration of Thomas Sowell. I own his books. I have read his books; and then, read them again (recommended starts: 'The Thomas Sowell Reader' and 'A Personal Odyssey').

My profound respect for him is beyond expression. What a gift to mankind he is.

He embodies an egalitarian self-determination to which we should aspire.

Dr. Thomas Sowell


categories: leading | opinion | personal | professional

Quick graphic I made while watching Salty Cracker on Rumble

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 05 2021 05:02 zulu

Just a quick graphic I made while watching Salty Cracker on Rumble...


Larger image (right-click and save as... no restrictions imposed): More...


categories: government | opinion | personal | rights

To Government, the Media, and the Politicians - Do Not Threaten Us

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 05 2021 01:07 zulu

In these times when the government and the mass media thereof have deferred incontrovertibly to communist Chinese rule and proscribed as 'extremism' those qualities that established the superiority of the United States; those being individualism, innovation and unalienable rights, it becomes the duty of the People to mock and defy government, and if necessary, by any means necessary, exercise the Right '... That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government...'



categories: leftist tech | government | opinion | personal | rights

My RESPONSE Jab moves at the speed of

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 04 2021 14:07 zulu

Mandated injections, even if intimidation or physical force is used...

Image by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt


categories: government | opinion | personal | rights

U.S. Racial Oppression... Yeah... Right...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 04 2021 10:09 zulu


The Face of Racial Oppression in the U.S.

Critical Race Theory, an effort of imbecility.



categories: collectivism | government | opinion

This is the image of U.S. Oppression

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 04 2021 09:39 zulu

Oh our non-binary godses! Manifest evidence of the ubiquitous and intransigent OPPRESSION by all U.S. citizens of European descent; oppression, as asserted by the social justice imbeciles through exorbitant laptops and cell phones over the internet to platforms written in programming languages...

(...all inventions of those oppressors of European descent)




categories: leftist tech | government | opinion | rights

authoritarians proposing mandated injections by physical force

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 04 2021 09:21 zulu

So, the authoritarians are beginning to propose mandated injections, even if physical force is used.

And, Matthew Yglesias, what hypodermic needle gauge would you attempt use, 25G or 23G?


Since, without hyperbole, I would (and WILL) retaliate with a high-velocity 9mm intramuscular injection before anyone could approach... no, not satire... just as you, I am critically sincere as well...

How fast can your 'people' run, since my 'JAB' approaches at 1500 ft/s?


Bring it...

authoritarians are proposing mandated injections, even if physical force is used



categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal | rights

Get the Jab The Fauci Ouchie

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 03 2021 11:37 zulu



No... I am in no danger of catching DEPOPULATION...More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal | rights

That laughing mule Ocasio Cortez

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 30 2021 00:54 zulu

Someone fire whomever continues to forget to put the feedbag on that laughing mule Ocasio Cortez - where is Perseus with his reflective shield when you need him?

You could scrape the detritus off a navy battleship with her beaver-toothed overbite.

I understand her motivations to become a bartender: quite a benefit for her to serve men the very mind-numbing emollient that when taken in excess, renders her nearly - I wrote, nearly - human-level attractive.



categories: 3rdWaveFeminist | government | opinion

After more than a year of masks the State wants more

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 30 2021 00:20 zulu

More than a year of these nonsensical, duplicitous mask mandates (15 Days to Stop the Spread) over some Criminal-Fauci-Taxpayer-Funded-China-Bio-Engineered flu variant with over a 99% survival rate; the State believes it has the authority to impose another year of mask mandates on the citizens...More...

We need not be Trump supporters to be enemies

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 30 2021 00:09 zulu

N.Y. Times Reporter asserts any person against an election, stolen and fraudulent; against the institution socialist tyranny, is an enemy of the state.

According to that reporter's sentiment; yes, we are.

We need not be Donald Trump supporters to be enemies against a socialist State.


Article Capture:More...


categories: government | individualism | opinion | personal | rights

To Supporters of Protected Classes

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 28 2021 10:11 zulu

I neither recognize nor will defer to any 'PROTECTED CLASS'.

I assume equality first and foremost - we are either EQUAL or we ARE NOT; quite simple. Egalitarian respect and support.

Either equal... or we are not.


... if you decide or demand that you CANNOT accept equality WITHOUT constraints or conditions, WITHOUT expecting my submission; I have never felt one moment of fear in the least, so with sincerity I WILL NOT treat you thus - and I will confront and unforgettably injure your simple-minded narcissism.

... and more and more and MORE people each day are losing their fear of you as well... control your entitled anger or the people will change it for you.



categories: government | individualism | opinion | personal | rights

Dear SJW veni, vidi, vomitavi

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 21 2021 10:17 zulu

Dear SJWs, each moment my eyes must suffer your ranting videos... vēnī, vīdī, vomitāvī


Other Languages More...


categories: idleness | individualism | opinion | personal | rights

For all SJWs my pronouns

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 21 2021 10:06 zulu

For all SJWs, my pronouns are phucmeizelf/phucoorzelvz



categories: leftist tech | individualism | opinion | rights

The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism I

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 07 2021 01:55 zulu

Article with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley's direct quote

(Image prepended 2021-07-30)


In the screenshot of the article (beginning of this entry), Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley employed a psychological tactic of concurrent, furtive promotion of doctrines by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Tse-Tung, and Vladimir "Lenin" Ilyich Ulyanov; all variations on, to simplify, socialist and communist totalitarianism. More...

The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism II

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 07 2021 01:13 zulu

Added this image 2021 09 16

(Traitor Milley by Ben Garrison. Image prepended 2021-09-16)


(ensuring this topic from The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism I consists of short entries)


To be succinct, if you, reader, spend five-to-ten minutes each day scanning descriptions of "Fabian Socialism", the "boiling frog fable", Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer", and however much your patience can tolerate summaries of "Cultural Marxism" - if you browse through these four topics…More...

The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism III

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 06 2021 20:55 zulu

So why? You have » already seen « the "WHY" in articles about public school "woke" madness, cultural conditioning, and forced implementations of critical race theory!

Again, why has the MILITARY descended into "woke" insanity and critical race theory imbecility?


The answer is: the military applies the criterion "efficient strategy"; the military is not a mess of "woke" insanity and critical race theory imbecility.

The "woke" label is a deception of "minimization" to portray their actions as "ridiculous" and "insane", when their actions are actually treacherous steps in the critical path of one gradual, transformative campaign, steps that cannot be reasonably concealed from the public; and so, must be downplayed to the people as "absurdity" and innocent targets of paranoia. More...

A Judgement of Critical Race Theory (CRT)

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 06 2021 02:57 zulu

Keep in mind that I sincerely have not one "damn" - I am "damn" bankrupt - to give about anyone's need to control and intimidate; to any company's, any authority's, demand for conformance. I have just never lived my life in fear, or for others' approvals.

Life is a transient, transactional, one-use-only opportunity, and its conclusion should never be a moment of realization that the opportunity was wasted in deference to others' control.




categories: collectivism | individualism | opinion | personal


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on June 11 2021 03:38 zulu

I abhor the concept of GLOBALISM, MULTI-CULTURALISM; yet not out of biases - no - rather - the ambitions of multi-culturalism would result in a homogeneity of human philosophy and innovation - how tragic and potentially species-ending would be those losses - since the variate, often diametric, perspectives of dissimilar cultures are the geneses of advancements that contrasting cultures would not have made, and contrariwise.

Even worse, such global homogeneity extinguishes all development of coexistent cultures, and prohibits the formation of new cultures; creating a collective intolerance of differences. That is to write, a universal acceptance of democide to preserve the uniculture for the global good.

For Family Part 3 Updated Photograph Requested

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on May 23 2021 05:47 zulu

To all who know my age: tiguidou! et ouais, bien sûr, moi, j'continuais à vieillir comme tous les mecs - mais... comment l'écrire... juste un peu plus - plutôt plus que moins - lentement (sourire diabolique).


For Family Part 3: Updated Photograph Requested; so, Noelle provided this one - her criterion was, '... your eyes matched your shirt!' (um, exciting... yeah... just right-click, then 'save as'). As soon as I find a photograph Noelle does not seem to 'hate', I will upload one of her - she looks no different from those in Part II.

Again, only a twisted mind would have requested a 'close-up'; nonetheless, once saved to your PC, please do not zoom into this photograph to see my greying locks and flaws (...& they be many, both that is to write). Certainly, zoom-in and study the image; no filter enhancement or flaw-concealing technique was used. All my pores and epidermal hairlines are there.


As well, 4 out of 5 physicians agree that this photo may be used as a visual emetic - LNDL.

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2021-05-11

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt - photo taken by wife on 2021 05 11 (Since then, I have allowed my hair to extend over my shoulders. If you all want to see that - why? - send a message to the usual address.)


reminder: the previous set of photographs:

l. nicholas de lioncourt and noelle de lioncourt part 1


l. nicholas de lioncourt and noelle de lioncourt part 2


l. nicholas de lioncourt in 1988


other photos might follow...


categories: opinion | personal | writing

Lowering the bar - example of modern coding by microsoft

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 28 2021 02:15 zulu

THIS HAS BECOME THE MODEL FOR WRITTEN CODE (see the three images in this article).

Before inclusion into my projects, I inspect the code of others' published frameworks; even if I must decompile the assembly and run obfuscation-reversal utilities.

For what reason?

Well, take this non-sensical feast of vulnerability spaghetti, written by Microsoft GITHUB to satisfy the most undiscerning script-kiddie consumer!

Need I imagine where this embarrassment was written?

One of the salient justifications for NOT using others' "professionally written" code.


The first image is a typical example from Microsoft's GITHUB framework (with my comments as callouts).More...


categories: code | c# | code snippets | opinion | professional

Well Explains Why I am neither right nor left wing

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 27 2021 03:00 zulu

My 'Political Compass' results reveal quite well my disassociation with the LEFT and RIGHT wings (see image). 

For WHAT reason should the masses be SO OPPOSED to self-determination and personal responsibility?More...

The Fallacies of Voting ID Opponents

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 13 2021 06:53 zulu

Oh the uninspired Fallacies of Voting ID Opponents - the simplicity of simple-minded PREVARICATORS, SO EASILY DEFEATED.

Since I was already writing, I spent - at most - 14-minutes imagining and drawing a voter identification process using existing, and free, federal requirements.

(small version; a readable version is at the end of this entry) More...


categories: government | opinion | personal

The Thief in Chief Defines The Left

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 08 2021 03:23 zulu


Must confess; although I am a political agnostic, this imbecile is the perfect representative of every quality that defines THE LEFT:

I can imagine this is Biden's expression when he works an elementary school... allegedly.



categories: collectivism | government | opinion

Tantrum and revisionism are not awarded...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 07 2021 03:48 zulu

The 'Newspeak' image below -  insanity - no, not a prop from the film '1984'; rather, the delusion of the Left, of Progressives - the continuance of their redistributive circle-jerk.


The Left has not yet understood: they intimidate no one, but amuse most. They cry louder yet hear only the echo of apathy... 

... but I will play the part of your audience.More...


categories: 3rdWaveFeminist | individualism | opinion | personal

Thirty-One Years This Month

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 02 2021 00:16 zulu

This month, married 31-years.


For the Worshippers of Absurdities, indulge my toxic alpha-malesplanation:

I have been engaged in a contractual cisgender binary campaign with the willing victim of my patriarchal oppression for 31 (count all your fingers three times, and on the fourth time, only your thumb) years.

I understand this must be soul-dispairing for the 'Social-Progressives', cultural Marxists, and Beta-Males of SJW Sascrotches, whose only devoted and true life-partner can be identified with the phrase, "... please raise your right hand..."

Well, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE and retire into a cry-zone safe-space designated for your CRT classification, since I could not give one sh-



categories: opinion | personal

This 4th of July - Burn the CCP Flag

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 19 2021 10:04 zulu

I cannot emphasize that the people of China deserve no animosity - with each interaction, I have been overwhelmed by the friendliness and courtesy of the Chinese people.

... the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the other... the world ignores their oppression of Hong Kong, an offense the populace of Hong Kong will not forget.

So, I created this graphic for anyone to use. Purchase a cheap Chinese flag; symbol of the CCP, and on the 4th of July 2021, BURN IT as a message to the Chinese Communist Party:

"... continue your arrogance toward the United States and Hong Kong... first your flag & then YOU..."

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt

Larger ->More...


categories: government | opinion | personal

I Profoundly Abhor Communism

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 19 2021 09:16 zulu

A graphic I created while once again watching the film "V for Vendetta". I will not participate in discussions about Individualism and Communism; since the discussion would a nonsensical comparison between Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi and a latrine overflowing with faeces.

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt

Larger More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal

Dr. Walter Edward Williams

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 18 2021 01:22 zulu

Dr. Walter Edward Williams

I miss this inspirational man.

Virginia lost a living monument. I hope the hereafter reunited you and Mrs. Williams in sempiternal happiness.

Dr. Walter Edward Williams



categories: general | opinion | personal | rights

Stephen King Is Quite An Accomplished Comedian

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 14 2021 08:50 zulu

I am quite excited, after I have finished the tome, to write about Stephen King's experiment in comedic absurdism. While "Danse Macabre" offered intriguing analyses of the horror genre, his work "On Writing" overflows with risible satire camouflaged as the "right way to write".More...


categories: opinion | personal | writing


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 12 2021 18:32 zulu


As I write, the date is January 12th 2021 10:16AM; and for five days the members of certain infamous forums have been auspicious, anticipatory and aggressive that President Donald Trump will soon deliver an address from Texas - that I suspect will be more redress - during which the larceny of an election will be announced a failure...

... and the Seventh Seal will be broken by QAnon as their voices sound "Trust the Plan".



THEIR ASSERTION: "CREDIBLE"; if not authoritative, sources have revealed that during the impending January 12th disclosure President Trump WILL - absolutely WILL:More...


categories: leftist tech | government | opinion | personal


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 12 2021 16:13 zulu


TD;DR: the effort would be trivial to intimidate SCOTUS into reinterpreting "CONGRESS shall make no law..." as the 1st Amendment restricting ONLY CONGRESS. After all, the courts have easily and continuously reinterpreted, discovered magical exceptions to; and damn-near inverted, the prohibition of the word, INFRINGED, in the context of the 2nd Amendment "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". End.



I despise the State, that is to write 'Government', with an unyielding malevolence; and will never submit to this worship of government as paternal guardian.

But these actions do not violate the First Amendment-

Not when every effort to intimidate SCOTUS has been so successful.  SCOTUS will reinterpret "CONGRESS shall make no law..." as the 1st Amendment restricting ONLY CONGRESS. No one will fight. The People are so easy frightened by and deferential to empty threats.

Since the January 6th 2021 protests, less than one day into which 'intrepid patriots' abandoned all courage to run away, the most influential social media platforms - collectively 'BIG TECH' - have banned President Trump: Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Spotify, Twitch, Shopify and Stripe.More...


categories: government | opinion | rights

Time Is Far More Dispassionate Predator Than Men Like Bezos

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 12 2021 10:31 zulu

I have never understood men as Jeff Bezos. They pass through life with the conviction that INFLUENCE and CONROL will stay inexorable Mortality.


Yet as I read various chronicles of history, people like Bezos are forgotten; and of the very few remembered, their names are mere trivia, and their accomplishments nothing more than a few unread and insignificant passages within some decayed book.



categories: opinion | personal

Hey Left, thanks for the idea

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on December 05 2020 13:00 zulu

Hey Lefties... thanks for the Idea! (made this so no rights worries)


Hey Lefties... thanks for the Idea!



...perhaps not now, but just continue to taunt millions of sleeping bears, outnumbering you by measures of ten-to-one... bears tend to awaken violently starved and irritated, and these are heavily-armed bears.





categories: government | opinion | personal

Some Pre-Made Stock Responses

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 21 2020 09:08 zulu

When dealing with triggered snowflakes & the enraged outraged on social media platforms, I decided taking more than a few seconds in response would be a waste of my time; so, I created a series of "stock responses" to post instead.

I tried to write responses original to me, based on the images I found.


A few of them are:







categories: opinion | personal | rights

The LEFT'S version of free speech

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 20 2020 09:00 zulu

Google and Twitter censoring speech and locking the accounts of all dissenting from the LEFTIST doctrine - Bill Gates citing free speech as a problem to be restrained - well, I made a graphic expressing the LEFT'S version of FREE SPEECH.

Bill Gates' quote:

Larger Version More...


categories: government | opinion | personal | rights

One of my personal doctrines of leadership

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 17 2020 10:24 zulu

One of my personal doctrines of leadership is:


Within a team, the leader is not there to control others; rather, the leader is there to ensure the team has the opportunities to do their best.


categories: opinion | professional | leading