Well Explains Why I am neither right nor left wing

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 27 2021 03:00 zulu

My 'Political Compass' results reveal quite well my disassociation with the LEFT and RIGHT wings (see image). 

For WHAT reason should the masses be SO OPPOSED to self-determination and personal responsibility?More...

The Fallacies of Voting ID Opponents

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 13 2021 06:53 zulu

Oh the uninspired Fallacies of Voting ID Opponents - the simplicity of simple-minded PREVARICATORS, SO EASILY DEFEATED.

Since I was already writing, I spent - at most - 14-minutes imagining and drawing a voter identification process using existing, and free, federal requirements.

(small version; a readable version is at the end of this entry) More...


categories: government | opinion | personal

Double All Student Loan Debt as a Tax on Stupidity

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 08 2021 04:12 zulu

From opportunistic politicians to the useless masses of over-indulged students, these blights upon mankind demand all college education made free through taxpayers' work - "work", a concept unknown to both the aforementioned - and all existing debt nullified.More...


categories: collectivism | government | idleness | personal

No You Are Not a Hero and We are not In this together

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 08 2021 02:45 zulu


No and no.

Again and again and again businesses must append contrived sentiments of 'heroism' to their products. How pathetic these companies promoting campaigns of consumer manipulation and retail auto-eroticism; wherein everyone from mask-wearing, self-righteous beldams to physicians' front-desk administrators are portrayed as intrepid heroes, sacrificing their mortality to selflessly move among the plague-ridden masses...


No. Although tragic, this is not The Plague.

Just another opportunity for narcissists to justify their authoritarian hypochondria.

Just another opportunity for harridans to assuage their empty lives by controlling the lives of others.More...


categories: platitudes | collectivism | individualism | personal

Idea for Pandemic Narrative

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 24 2021 10:01 zulu

plot and narrative © 2021 l. nicholas de lioncourt


categories: personal | writing

Tantrum and revisionism are not awarded...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 07 2021 03:48 zulu

The 'Newspeak' image below -  insanity - no, not a prop from the film '1984'; rather, the delusion of the Left, of Progressives - the continuance of their redistributive circle-jerk.


The Left has not yet understood: they intimidate no one, but amuse most. They cry louder yet hear only the echo of apathy... 

... but I will play the part of your audience.More...


categories: 3rdWaveFeminist | individualism | opinion | personal

Thirty-One Years This Month

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 02 2021 00:16 zulu

This month, married 31-years.


For the Worshippers of Absurdities, indulge my toxic alpha-malesplanation:

I have been engaged in a contractual cisgender binary campaign with the willing victim of my patriarchal oppression for 31 (count all your fingers three times, and on the fourth time, only your thumb) years.

I understand this must be soul-dispairing for the 'Social-Progressives', cultural Marxists, and Beta-Males of SJW Sascrotches, whose only devoted and true life-partner can be identified with the phrase, "... please raise your right hand..."

Well, CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE and retire into a cry-zone safe-space designated for your CRT classification, since I could not give one sh-



categories: opinion | personal

This 4th of July - Burn the CCP Flag

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 19 2021 10:04 zulu

I cannot emphasize that the people of China deserve no animosity - with each interaction, I have been overwhelmed by the friendliness and courtesy of the Chinese people.

... the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the other... the world ignores their oppression of Hong Kong, an offense the populace of Hong Kong will not forget.

So, I created this graphic for anyone to use. Purchase a cheap Chinese flag; symbol of the CCP, and on the 4th of July 2021, BURN IT as a message to the Chinese Communist Party:

"... continue your arrogance toward the United States and Hong Kong... first your flag & then YOU..."

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt

Larger ->More...


categories: government | opinion | personal

I Profoundly Abhor Communism

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 19 2021 09:16 zulu

A graphic I created while once again watching the film "V for Vendetta". I will not participate in discussions about Individualism and Communism; since the discussion would a nonsensical comparison between Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi and a latrine overflowing with faeces.

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt

Larger More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal

First Movie Correction - The French in Sherlock Holmes

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 18 2021 11:10 zulu

I actually wrote a "Goof" entry on IMDB.

I ignore mistakes in movies; if the narrative delivers entertainment, I consider errors moments of creative license.

Yet, while watching the superior 2009 "Sherlock Holmes" - superior in that Robert Downey Jr., elevates any film - I heard the French giant approach Holmes and ask, "You missed me?", yet what he said in French was "Do I miss you?".More...


categories: idleness | language | personal

Dr. Walter Edward Williams

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 18 2021 01:22 zulu

Dr. Walter Edward Williams

I miss this inspirational man.

Virginia lost a living monument. I hope the hereafter reunited you and Mrs. Williams in sempiternal happiness.

Dr. Walter Edward Williams



categories: general | opinion | personal | rights

Stephen King Is Quite An Accomplished Comedian

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 14 2021 08:50 zulu

I am quite excited, after I have finished the tome, to write about Stephen King's experiment in comedic absurdism. While "Danse Macabre" offered intriguing analyses of the horror genre, his work "On Writing" overflows with risible satire camouflaged as the "right way to write".More...


categories: opinion | personal | writing

Absence of Strategy empowered BIG TECH censorship

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 13 2021 14:46 zulu

So how was the fight against election fraud a failure?


Since the November 2020 election, the conflict against alleged fraud has been conducted with nonsensical incompetence.

The January inauguration represents not the triumph of Joe Biden - a fraudulent triumph is still a loss - rather, the chaotic ineptitude of his opposition; President Trump et al., who pursued justice with complete - no, transcendent - absence of strategy, coordination, and persuasion.

Expressing such a judgement will; I am certain, elicit the outrage of reactionaries & the rapture of demagogues.

→ Truth is not vindicated through outrage or hope.



categories: government | personal | rights


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 12 2021 18:32 zulu


As I write, the date is January 12th 2021 10:16AM; and for five days the members of certain infamous forums have been auspicious, anticipatory and aggressive that President Donald Trump will soon deliver an address from Texas - that I suspect will be more redress - during which the larceny of an election will be announced a failure...

... and the Seventh Seal will be broken by QAnon as their voices sound "Trust the Plan".



THEIR ASSERTION: "CREDIBLE"; if not authoritative, sources have revealed that during the impending January 12th disclosure President Trump WILL - absolutely WILL:More...


categories: leftist tech | government | opinion | personal

Time Is Far More Dispassionate Predator Than Men Like Bezos

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 12 2021 10:31 zulu

I have never understood men as Jeff Bezos. They pass through life with the conviction that INFLUENCE and CONROL will stay inexorable Mortality.


Yet as I read various chronicles of history, people like Bezos are forgotten; and of the very few remembered, their names are mere trivia, and their accomplishments nothing more than a few unread and insignificant passages within some decayed book.



categories: opinion | personal

Hey Left, thanks for the idea

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on December 05 2020 13:00 zulu

Hey Lefties... thanks for the Idea! (made this so no rights worries)


Hey Lefties... thanks for the Idea!



...perhaps not now, but just continue to taunt millions of sleeping bears, outnumbering you by measures of ten-to-one... bears tend to awaken violently starved and irritated, and these are heavily-armed bears.





categories: government | opinion | personal

Some Pre-Made Stock Responses

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 21 2020 09:08 zulu

When dealing with triggered snowflakes & the enraged outraged on social media platforms, I decided taking more than a few seconds in response would be a waste of my time; so, I created a series of "stock responses" to post instead.

I tried to write responses original to me, based on the images I found.


A few of them are:







categories: opinion | personal | rights

The LEFT'S version of free speech

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 20 2020 09:00 zulu

Google and Twitter censoring speech and locking the accounts of all dissenting from the LEFTIST doctrine - Bill Gates citing free speech as a problem to be restrained - well, I made a graphic expressing the LEFT'S version of FREE SPEECH.

Bill Gates' quote:

Larger Version More...


categories: government | opinion | personal | rights

My updated poster for Carpenter's THEY LIVE

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 14 2020 13:17 zulu

Just finished watching Carpenter's "They Live", and decided to create my own updated version of the movie poster.

The movie poster I found...


The one I created:More...


categories: collectivism | opinion | personal

The LEFT are keeping Lists

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 14 2020 10:07 zulu

In Headlines this November 2020:

"While Joe Biden preaches peace, his Democratic comrades make lists to punish Trump supporters during his presidency"


So, I quickly made a poster for that "LIST".


Larger Version: More...


categories: government | opinion | personal

My political compass reveals leadership style

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 13 2020 16:16 zulu

I have never been concerned with others knowing my political compass; since, I believe the most effective leaders to be libertarian - sincerely, others could do no better than a libertarian in a position of authority.


I believe that my Leadership Style and Values must be common among libertarians:

>    Leads by example; not claims or assertions ('trust me')

>    Neither authoritarian nor manipulative

>    Concerned with solutions; not blame

>    Leads others; no interest in controling others

>    Will NOT micro-manage or surveille - the team must be trusted

>    No hesitation to speak opinion with complete sincerity

>    Judges personal success by success of employees and team members

>    Egalitarian work environment More...


categories: personal | professional | leading

What if Toobin is offered a book deal to tell his story

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 12 2020 15:19 zulu

While reading the Mass Media announcement that Jeffrey Toobin has been fired after exposing himself on a Zoom meeting; I thought:


What if Toobin is offered a book deal to tell his story... would it be a POP-UP book?


This satire was the result (image is suggestive, but not overt) More...


categories: government | opinion | personal

What might the Biden-Harris Team's first day bring

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 12 2020 02:32 zulu

Oh how I wish. As the Election 2020 ballots are verified, there remains a possibility - though I doubt President Trump will prevail - that the Biden/Harris team claimed the "WINNER" title rather too precipitously. 

If only! Well... This is a satire piece I created of what might the Biden/Harris Team's first day have brought. One can dream; even, if improbable.


larger version More...


categories: government | opinion | personal

What the? Familiar background.

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 11 2020 05:08 zulu

What the? Familiar background. More...


categories: personal | web development

My MEMEs on Leftism - 331

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 10 2020 12:53 zulu

My MEMEs on Leftism - 331


categories: collectivism | leftist tech | government | personal

VOTER FRAUD? No fraud here, come on man

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 09 2020 00:18 zulu


VOTER FRAUD? No fraud here, come on man!

Yet Another MEME I Created

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 09 2020 00:17 zulu

Yet Another MEME I created to release some repressed outrage

Another MEME I Created

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 09 2020 00:15 zulu

Another MEME I Created to expel some repressed rage...

The U.S. Civil War, Part II the Conclusion

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 06 2020 02:41 zulu

Curious - to what extent do mass voter fraud, destruction of cities, and a stolen presidency justify civil war?

If the veritable will of the People, the vote of each citizen, perishes beneath the oppressive burden of election collusion and fraud - is this, then, not 'Taxation Without Representation'? Is this, then, not as the Founders prescribed '...whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends...'?

I am not attempting to agitate others' cowardice - calling upon civil war to drag the passive yet outraged masses from their La-Z-Boys to forfeit cable television and fantasy football for resistive action; no, not at all. The masses are and have always been verbally defiant when secured against privacy's bosom, yet reveal themselves to be sheep, obsequious and docile, in the presence of authority; a recreant herd all too ready to sacrifice their neighbors and family for promised security and coddling. 

Indisputably true considering documented history narrates - narrates to them with reading comprehension - that only a risible minority of colonists wanted to stand defiant against England, while the vaster majority preferred deferential subservience to the Monarchy.

Yes, the founding of the United States of America resulted from the action of a very few to liberate the undeserving many.

Election events subsequent the aggressions of the collective Leftists offer fascinating insight into the latent yet fomenting sentiment leading up to the first U.S., Civil War, and writing with sincerity, I believe no other resolution remains now and hereafter than bifurcation of a country. The cognitive, political and philosophical disparities have become oil and water. Neither compromise nor common ground remains. The Constitution has become too mutable and fragile to unite Individualists and Collectivists, Socialism and Capitalism, the Authoritarian and the Free.

I have analyzed the strategies and probabilities of such a conflict; although I could explain, for the reader I will simply write that in none does any government prevail against even a mere 2% of a population equal to that of the U.S.; yes, notwithstanding the advanced ordinance of a military, success is not possible against the smallest percentage of 331 million citizens, and any retaliation by a government would serve only to increase that percentage by logarithmic scale. The riots of these months passed expose the debility of an authoritarian regime against citizens passionate and motivated.

In my analyses, the United States now and hereafter is an inexorable subdivision into two autonomous nations; perhaps a socialist government united by centralized authority, which I would title the Federal States of America; and the other a free-market and libertarian unity among states titled the Sovereign States of America.


(Назревает настоящая гражданская война)

- L.Nicholas de Lioncourt, 4th November 2020


For them wanting an easier-to-read version, just open a print preview.





categories: collectivism | government | personal | rights

Humans have not over-populated the Earth

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 31 2020 03:04 zulu

An illustration I made in 2018 negating the claims that humans have over-populated the Earth.

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt


categories: general | opinion | personal

Infographic I made in 2015 about the 2nd Amendment

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 14 2020 02:58 zulu

Found an infographic I made in 2015 about the 2nd Amendment

infographic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt


Larger Version More...


categories: opinion | personal | rights

In the Studio 1988

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 26 2020 05:37 zulu


Yes, that is I - l.nicholas de lioncourt - in the archetypal 1980s digital synthesis studio, late 1989 to be precise. At the end of this entry, I have listed the equipment in this photograph.

My favorite? My Yamaha DX-7 II-D. Second Favorite, E-mu Emulator II+


l. nicholas de lioncourt in the studio 1988

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Music Studio, 1988




360 Systems 8x8 MIDI Router Patcher
Akai MD280 and S-612
Cakewalk 2.0A 1988 Update (software)
Casio CZ-101
Casio RZ1
Deltalab Effectron ADM 1024 Digital Delay
DOD R-431 C Series 31-Band Graphic Equalizer
E-mu Emulator II+
Ensoniq Mirage DMS-8 Hybrid Synth
FB-01 Multitimbral Digital FM Synth Module
Kawai MX-8R Stereo Keyboard Mixer
Korg DVP1 Vocoder
Korg KMS-30 MIDI Synchronizer
Roland D-50 (far right, not in photo)
Roland MKS-70 (not in photo)
Roland TR-808
Yamaha DX21
Yamaha DX-7 II-D
Yamaha MT1X Multitrack Cassette Recorder
Yamaha RX-17
Yamaha SPX90 Digital multi-effect processor
Yamaha TX81Z
... and a Commodore 64


Found one of me in the art studio in 1988, around the same year as that above. This was 1105 Grove Avenue, if I recall:

l. nicholas de lioncourt in the ART studio 1988
L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Art Studio, 1988



categories: idleness | personal | professional

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt and Noelle de Lioncourt Part 2

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 26 2020 04:32 zulu

For Family Part 2: Photographs of Us (be patient as they load and just right-click, then 'open in new tab' or 'save as').

Once saved to your PC, please do not zoom into these photographs to see my flaws (...& they be many); Noelle, none.


Noelle de Lioncourt, 2018 May 29 (taken by Nicholas de Lioncourt)

Noelle de Lioncourt, 2018 May 29 (taken by Nicholas de Lioncourt).


From Left - Noelle's Grand-Mother (Rose-Marie Mendez), Noelle de Lioncourt, Cousin (Cheryl) and Aunt (Sharan)

Noelle's Grand-Mother, Noelle de Lioncourt, Cousin and Aunt (taken by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt)


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2016 November 14 taken by Noelle

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2016 November 14 (taken by Noelle).


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt when still an artist in 1994

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, the artist era 1994. Yes, before De Lioncourt, LLC., and before my career in technology, I was a fine artist. In the photograph, I had just started this acrylics on board artwork, and at this stage the piece was still a vastly incomplete underpainting. I had aspired to combine the Pre-Raphaelite style, with some elements rendered almost impressionistic and others, hyper-realistic. Why I ended this stage of my life so abruptly; almost overnight, is a complex narrative on the mutability of the mind, facing truths about yourself, and the advent of the Internet.


The work in the next photograph is a completed piece demonstrating my style. This was to be part of a series featuring abbey ruins - in this piece a stained-glass cloister. Created using acrylics applied with brushes, toned with Iwata airbrushes, on sealed 3-feet wide x 4-feet tall hardboard, 1995.

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt with finished piece, when still an artist in 1995

Artwork © 1995 L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, designer and creator. Yes, I removed as much of my face as possible! For the spotlights to emphasize; not glare on, the art, the glare was focused on my face just as I made a funny - and hideously silly - expression.


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, now-and-then, 1986 and 2011

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 1986 and 2011. I discovered my forgotten denim jacket, and took a now-and-then portrait. On the left, the white cat was one of my many rescues; and in the 2011 photograph, my still-with-me puppy-cat, Bailey.

(yeah, my hair... was AWESOME in the 1980s: blonde streaks atop luxurious black and auburn locks crowing dark facial stubble. No, perhaps not up to modern standards of style; nonetheless, attracted the girls, and at that age, what else mattered? Hate the vintage game; not the vintage player).


Part I Is Here

Addendum: A 2021 Updated Photograph Is Here


l. nicholas de lioncourt in 1988



other photos might follow...


categories: blog | individualism | personal

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt and Noelle de Lioncourt Part 1

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 26 2020 03:59 zulu

For Family Part 1: Photographs of Us Taken June 29 2020 (just right-click, then save as)

Once saved to your PC, please do not zoom into these photographs to see my flaws (...& they be many).


Part II Is Here

Addendum: A 2021 Updated Photograph Is Here


l. nicholas de lioncourt in 1988


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt & Noelle de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (apologies for the lack of focus - yes, reading glasses)

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt & Noelle de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (apologies for the lack of focus).


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by self)

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by self - liked the lighting, gave off an exaggerated hue).


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2020 June 29 taken by Noelle

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by Noelle - why I chose the 1000-yard stare, who knows).


L. Nicholas and Noelle de Lioncourt 2008 Christmas

(by request) Nicholas and Noelle de Lioncourt, that Christmas 2008 photograph taken in our 2nd home. My expression conveys the excitement over being photographed with uncommonly short hair.


Noelle de Lioncourt 2008 Christmas

(older ones by request) Noelle de Lioncourt. While searching for the previous photograph, I found this Christmas 2008 'selfie' Noelle took on her ancient 'flip phone'.


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt 2009 July

(older ones by request) L. Nicholas de Lioncourt. Also found this one of me that Noelle apparently took at Barnes and Noble back in July of 2009.



other photos might follow...


categories: blog | individualism | personal

A Domestic Cold War

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on May 16 2020 00:50 zulu

Against the Soviet Union, the populace of the United States engaged a Cold War.

Against Leftists, a majority of the United States is engaged in a Domestic Cold Civil War of irreconcilable differences; both sides already at critical mass. There may no longer be compromise or mutual tolerance in politics, culture, principles, philosophy - the left and right must separate.

The Left and Right must separate - no other options remain.

One nation federal socialism.

One nation a libertarian alliance of states.

The only solution is bifurcation; writing with metaphor, a cultural divorce, preferably peaceable; if not, so be it.

So be it.

How I would restore Doctor Who after Chibnall

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on February 23 2019 12:14 zulu

Peter Capaldi was the final TRUE Doctor Who
(... originally a private May 2018 entry in my personal writing journal; copied herein with limited abridgement.)

In the 1970s and 1980s, children - that is to write, those misfits of youthful social strata - could be classified according to their fantastical passions: Star Wars, Star Trek, Comic Book Super Heroes, et al., yet through some congenital eccentricity (I assume this to have been the same cosmic antic that manifest me as a Depeche Mode and Visage fan), I did not enjoy comic books and thought the Superman movies nonsensical.

While I shared common enthusiasm for Star Trek and Star Wars, not once did I envision myself giving commands aboard the Enterprise or running through swamps of Dagobah with a verdant raisin instructing me in the ways of The Force.


I wanted to be Doctor Who. I wanted to live in the TARDIS.

Unfortunately, living in the South-Eastern United States, I had no one with whom to share my devotion, to role-play as Tom Baker or Peter Davison, to discuss the latest episodic events; no, and not until the ascendency of the Internet did I know there had been many other social oddities like me - others with passion for Doctor Who - others whom the technical limitations of my own childhood made inaccessible in those influential and lonely years.




categories: idleness | personal | writing