In response to the Malignant Left's latest assault on free speech...

I created this: the Censorship Times, future required reading of all Komrades, published by the Central Google-Facebook Government Free Press...

© 2021 Satire Image by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt. Free speech is unalienable self-determination and personal choice, even if that choice is deleterious to the individual or unpopular among the masses.
A larger version (336kb @ 1600x1270px)...
(image below is resized; to see full-size right-click on the image and choose 'save image as' or 'open in new tab')

the mass-media, all the news that's sh*t to print... satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed.
The mass-media, ...all the news that's sh*t to print...