I would never consider mitigating the Holocaust through careless equivalence; with that, I am making no such correlation - rather - rather - the following article is a reminder that throughout history; authorities such as politicians have employed progressive... gradual... psychological campaigns of social instability, vilification of cultural ideals, historical revisionism, scarcity, and false crises to manipulate one group into committing atrocities against their enemies, thus absolving the authoritarians of responsibility.
In plain sight, the politicians, this illegitimate administration (you read that correctly), and mass-state-media are subjecting us all to their own Stanley Milgram Behavioral Experiment.

ILLEGITIMATE ADMINISTRATION! How dare I! Oh, I dare; for your judgements, I do not care. Unlike marxist Lefties; I analyzed all available evidence and made my own conclusion - Lefties - well - they receive their insensate, unquestioning (un-)intelligence through daily CNN suppositories: '...alright, lefty, bend over and let us govern you harder...'
niquez vos mères, lefties, und eure Väter, auch.