Must confess; although I am a political agnostic, this imbecile is the perfect representative of every quality that defines THE LEFT:

I can imagine this is Biden's expression when he works an elementary school... allegedly.
→ Lies and Steals Instead of Earning.
→ Plagiarizes** Instead of Innovating.
→ Conceals Fraud by Silencing Dissent.
→ Responds to Criticism with Authoritarian Tantrum
→ Intellectually Bereft.
→ Infested by Illusory Narcissism.
→ Confronts Discord with Tantrums and Argumenta Ad Hominem.
→ Hides Failures while Blaming Others.
→ No Autonomous Thought; Must Read from Others' Pre-Written Scripts.
→ Terrified Child Who Must Control Others.
→ An Insensate, Empty Puppet of Others' Opinions and Control.
→ No Understanding of Logical Fallacies.
→ No Leadership; Vacillates in Accordance with Popular Opinion.
→ Promotes Lifelong Childhood Serving Daddy and Mommy Government.
→ Family and Associates Defined By Perversion And Criminality.
→ When Challenged, Hides for Protection within the Collective.
→ Conceals Bigotry through Psychological Transference.
→ Assuages Self-Mediocrity by Taking through Threat from Creators and Producers.
These define the Political Left, who could find none better to embody their principles and qualities than Biden and Harris, Thieves in Chief.
** Irrefutable. Biden's video-recorded admissions that his PLAGIARISM and lies about his academic achievements forced him to resign from his own 1988 Presidential Campaign.
AAAAANNNNDDD... He has a HISTORY of documented RACISM.