For Family Part 1: Photographs of Us Taken June 29 2020 (just right-click, then save as)
Once saved to your PC, please do not zoom into these photographs to see my flaws (...& they be many).
Part II Is Here
Addendum: A 2021 Updated Photograph Is Here
l. nicholas de lioncourt in 1988

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt & Noelle de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (apologies for the lack of focus).

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by self - liked the lighting, gave off an exaggerated hue).

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, 2020 June 29 (taken by Noelle - why I chose the 1000-yard stare, who knows).

(by request) Nicholas and Noelle de Lioncourt, that Christmas 2008 photograph taken in our 2nd home. My expression conveys the excitement over being photographed with uncommonly short hair.

(older ones by request) Noelle de Lioncourt. While searching for the previous photograph, I found this Christmas 2008 'selfie' Noelle took on her ancient 'flip phone'.

(older ones by request) L. Nicholas de Lioncourt. Also found this one of me that Noelle apparently took at Barnes and Noble back in July of 2009.
other photos might follow...