I cannot emphasize that the people of China deserve no animosity - with each interaction, I have been overwhelmed by the friendliness and courtesy of the Chinese people.
... the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on the other... the world ignores their oppression of Hong Kong, an offense the populace of Hong Kong will not forget.
So, I created this graphic for anyone to use. Purchase a cheap Chinese flag; symbol of the CCP, and on the 4th of July 2021, BURN IT as a message to the Chinese Communist Party:
"... continue your arrogance toward the United States and Hong Kong... first your flag & then YOU..."

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt
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A graphic I created while once again watching the film "V for Vendetta". I will not participate in discussions about Individualism and Communism; since the discussion would a nonsensical comparison between Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi and a latrine overflowing with faeces.

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt
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I actually wrote a "Goof" entry on IMDB.
I ignore mistakes in movies; if the narrative delivers entertainment, I consider errors moments of creative license.
Yet, while watching the superior 2009 "Sherlock Holmes" - superior in that Robert Downey Jr., elevates any film - I heard the French giant approach Holmes and ask, "You missed me?", yet what he said in French was "Do I miss you?".More...
Dr. Walter Edward Williams
I miss this inspirational man.
Virginia lost a living monument. I hope the hereafter reunited you and Mrs. Williams in sempiternal happiness.

I am quite excited, after I have finished the tome, to write about Stephen King's experiment in comedic absurdism. While "Danse Macabre" offered intriguing analyses of the horror genre, his work "On Writing" overflows with risible satire camouflaged as the "right way to write".More...
So how was the fight against election fraud a failure?
Since the November 2020 election, the conflict against alleged fraud has been conducted with nonsensical incompetence.
The January inauguration represents not the triumph of Joe Biden - a fraudulent triumph is still a loss - rather, the chaotic ineptitude of his opposition; President Trump et al., who pursued justice with complete - no, transcendent - absence of strategy, coordination, and persuasion.
Expressing such a judgement will; I am certain, elicit the outrage of reactionaries & the rapture of demagogues.
→ Truth is not vindicated through outrage or hope.
As I write, the date is January 12th 2021 10:16AM; and for five days the members of certain infamous forums have been auspicious, anticipatory and aggressive that President Donald Trump will soon deliver an address from Texas - that I suspect will be more redress - during which the larceny of an election will be announced a failure...
... and the Seventh Seal will be broken by QAnon as their voices sound "Trust the Plan".
THEIR ASSERTION: "CREDIBLE"; if not authoritative, sources have revealed that during the impending January 12th disclosure President Trump WILL - absolutely WILL:More...
TD;DR: the effort would be trivial to intimidate SCOTUS into reinterpreting "CONGRESS shall make no law..." as the 1st Amendment restricting ONLY CONGRESS. After all, the courts have easily and continuously reinterpreted, discovered magical exceptions to; and damn-near inverted, the prohibition of the word, INFRINGED, in the context of the 2nd Amendment "...the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED". End.
I despise the State, that is to write 'Government', with an unyielding malevolence; and will never submit to this worship of government as paternal guardian.
But these actions do not violate the First Amendment-
Not when every effort to intimidate SCOTUS has been so successful. SCOTUS will reinterpret "CONGRESS shall make no law..." as the 1st Amendment restricting ONLY CONGRESS. No one will fight. The People are so easy frightened by and deferential to empty threats.
Since the January 6th 2021 protests, less than one day into which 'intrepid patriots' abandoned all courage to run away, the most influential social media platforms - collectively 'BIG TECH' - have banned President Trump: Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Spotify, Twitch, Shopify and Stripe.More...
I have never understood men as Jeff Bezos. They pass through life with the conviction that INFLUENCE and CONROL will stay inexorable Mortality.
Yet as I read various chronicles of history, people like Bezos are forgotten; and of the very few remembered, their names are mere trivia, and their accomplishments nothing more than a few unread and insignificant passages within some decayed book.