Whatever the Progressive Left Supports I Oppose...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on March 09 2022 01:10 zulu

эй, progressive left, нажрись говна и сдохни. Идите вы все на хуй.

нажрись говна и сдохни


created in response to:

Whatever the Progressive Left Supports, I Oppose


categories: collectivism | lefty-insanity | opinion

Today in mass-media reconciled un-news

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 20 2021 02:56 zulu

Oooooo...Это восстание (hе желаешь присоединиться к нам?)

FBI finds there was no Jan 6 2021 Insurrection

While reviewing notes, found these two-month old announcements from Reuters and MSN - well-known extensions of the Bureau of Truth and Reconciliation. Notwithstanding, the state-run mass media did well with rendering this 'un-news'...

The State-Run Media, '...All the News That's Fit to Unprint...'

If January 6th had been an 'Insurrection' - the worst political Armageddon since the civil war; as fallaciously and melodramatically claimed - for what reason has neither the Biden Administration Department of Justice (DOJ) nor the U.S. Congress charged anyone with Insurrection or Treason in the ten-months since?

No one has been charged with Insurrection or Treason. No one.

Oh, you did not know that... I am not surprised; the only reliable principle of the left is deceit, mass- and self-



categories: collectivism | government | opinion

Comparison between capital protest and BLM

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 19 2021 20:51 zulu

Marxists and Leftists are Stage IV Social Cancers.

Marxists praise Violent, Homicidal BLM protests; effect pretense of offense when exposed.


categories: collectivism | opinion | personal

Mandatory State Reading for marxist Left Komrades

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 19 2021 02:37 zulu

Mandatory Reading of the marxist Left & the Progressives. Komrades, available in university cry-closets & safe-spaces nationwide, and soon to the ☭☭ Critical Race Theory ☭☭ curricula of public schools:

Mandatory Reading of the marxist Left - available in university cry-closets & safe-spaces nationwide

да товарищ - сейчас я читаю то, что нам задали!
image by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, and, yes ...sigh... my russian has critically suffered over the years.


If wanted, a larger version (339kb @ 1024x764px)...More...


categories: collectivism | opinion | personal

This is Typical of What the Left Writes Among Themselves

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 18 2021 11:03 zulu

Click on the more below to read: This is another common and disturbing example of what Leftists Aspire for their targeted enemies, which happens to be over one-half of the U.S. Population.

As many have experienced, the first message in the following graphic has become the open and common sentiments of the U.S. Left. Written without histrionics, the Leftists want their opposition dead. Not defeated. Not oppressed. They want over one-half of the U.S. populace dead.

That disturbing MESSAGE (and RESPONSE sentiment of one-half of the U.S. populace to that MESSAGE) More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion

The Stupid - Often They Take Themselves Out

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 10 2021 20:15 zulu

Unlike the trash, sometimes the stupid take themselves out
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | rights

Hypocrisy Blooms upon Decaying Principles

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 08 2021 03:39 zulu

This is not to address support of - or opposition to - the abortion controversy; rather, I created this visual mockery in personal response to images of hypocrisy embodied by the Texas protesters.

Narcissist Lefties Want THEIR way no matter whom they oppress
satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed.


I have no interest in controlling others - promote & lead others, yes; but control, no - accordingly, I abhor others' attempts to oppress and control, and this is a manifestation of that abhorrence.

I could not disregard the flagrant, irrational Hypocrisy of the demonstrating masses holding signs: 'MY BODY, MY CHOICE', 'GOVERNMENT OFF MY BODY', 'STOP PROSECUTING ABORTION', 'STAND UP AND FIGHT BACK', 'KEEP YOUR LAWS OUT OF MY BODY', etc. & c. ad nauseum.

Yet - YET! Hypocrisy resides in the darkness of dimmed Principles. When OTHER p(l)andemic events are considered, I understood their protests are nothing but the narcissistic tantrums of sophists who simply want their way, since these same demonstrators prostrate before their political masters and viciously deny others' COVID Vaccination Choice with their very signs re-written as: 'YOUR BODY, MY CHOICE', 'GOVERNMENT PROTECTS MY BODY', 'START PROSECUTING THE UNVACCINATED', 'STAND UP AND COMPLY', 'MANDATES GOOD FOR YOUR BODY & MINE', etc.

Share this image with whomever, wherever. Authoritarian frauds must be exposed and humiliated.

A larger version (329kb @ 1099x1650px)...More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion

Another Example of the IDIOCRACY of the LEFT

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 30 2021 00:56 zulu

IDIOCRACY of the LEFT: promoting the State's vaccine campaign with a humiliating choreography of what I can only describe as un-seeable 'Vaxtraterrestrial' dancers, a middle-aged glove-puppet, and animated syringes that more resemble addicts willing to do '...all the things you'll like for just one more hit...'

…while prancing - yes, prancing - to 'Tequila' by The Champs.

A High-Colonic Extravaganza for the Eyes and Mind!

Simp Stephen Colbert manifesting the IDIOCRACY of the LEFT
Not even 'The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour' was ever THIS moronic, and that show was visual contraception for the 70s generation - further, some men can pull-off guyliner (david sylvian, nick rhodes, me etc. &c.); some cannot. The guy on the left cannot.


categories: collectivism | government | idleness | opinion | personal

Math Proof to Measure Leftist Stupidity

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 21 2021 09:37 zulu

Math Proof of Infinite Leftist Stupidity
Image by L. Nicholas de Lioncourt.


categories: collectivism | opinion | personal

Avowed Caballine-Complexioned Socialist Episode III

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 20 2021 11:32 zulu

Typical Socialist Hypocrisy... 'TAX THE RICH'... just not us.

(... continuation of the entry about Komrade Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez, Episode I and Episode II...)

graphic created © 2021 by l. nicholas de lioncourt. text from september 18, 2021 new york post exclusive by by jon levine and kathianne boniello

graphic created © 2021 by l. nicholas de lioncourt. text from september 18, 2021 new york post exclusive by by jon levine and kathianne boniello


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal

Finally Marxism is useful

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 17 2021 06:59 zulu

I created this graphic to demonstrate Marxism's only usefulness.

shredded marxists parody

parody created © 2021 by l. nicholas de lioncourt. fair usage completely permitted.


Larger Version :: Right-Click → Save As (781kb 1000x1525px) More...


categories: collectivism | idleness | opinion | personal


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 17 2021 06:34 zulu

image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, if non-profit, usage allowed.


categories: collectivism | government | opinion

The Cognitive Imbecility of Leftism

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 16 2021 00:46 zulu

Leftism is a Religion of Absurdities; governed by Commandments of Outrage, a Deity of Bureaucracy, and Tithing with others' Coins.


LEFTISTS: All of European descent deserve to suffer collective guilt for the violence and intolerance of a few.

ALSO LEFTISTS: None may assign collective guilt to Muslims or any minority group for the violence and intolerance of a few.


LEFTISTS: My Body; My Right.

Except for the COVID p(l)andemic.

ALSO LEFTISTS: Your Body; My Right.


Intelligence and Logic are consistent; manifestly, the Left possesses neither.


(To be candid, I am NEITHER Democrat NOR Republican (the uni-party of RINOs). I am and always have been a Libertarian Egalitarian)


COVID - The 10 Stages of Genocide for Comparison

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 15 2021 13:57 zulu

I created this presentation of Dr. Gregory Stanton's 10-Stage Model of Genocide; while reading, reflect on the successive government and mass collective abuses and mandates over this COVID p(l)andemic.

The parallels are revealing, alarming, and undeniable.

As of this writing, my assessment is that the United States has passed the threshold into STAGE 06 POLARIZATION.

Australian Tyranny has arrived at STAGE 08: PERSECUTION.

As always, Reader, verify my assertions through your research. Search for: Gregory Stanton's 10-Stage Model of Genocide

Larger: More...

Promoting Another's Stellar Work... Ivermectin Facts

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 15 2021 09:57 zulu

Promoting Another's Stellar Work...

copyright 2021 emerson chris

I had to search for over 15-minutes to find a version of the cartoon with sufficient resolution to identify the talented creator: © 2021 Emerson Chris

Avowed Caballine-Complexioned Socialist Episode II

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 15 2021 09:19 zulu

(... continuation of the entry about Komrade Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez', attendance at the 2021 Met Gala...)


Of course, apologists will assert Ocasio-Cortez' innocence through social-media prevarication - I suspect their pretense will be: Ocasio-Cortez' admission was free, a gift.

Specious. Deceitful.


Ocasio-Cortez' is a U.S. Representative for New York's 14th congressional district; thus, any 'gift' is unequivocally a campaign 'donation', a bribe, a quid pro quo pre-payment More...


categories: collectivism | government | idleness | opinion | personal

Avowed caballine-complexioned socialist Episode I

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 15 2021 09:05 zulu

In 2018, avowed caballine-complexioned socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, disclosed: yearly earnings of $21,875, significant Federal Student Loan debt, and an estimated NET Worth of -$8,499.

In 2021, just a few years in Congress, she wore a 'TAX THE RICH' Brother Vellies' designer dress to the 2021 Met Gala for which admission was $35,000 each person, with tables starting at an additional $200,000... as well as her $400 earrings, $600 shoes...

Demand a financial audit of this fraudulent imbecile.

(... as parody, I added the text to the dress of the woman next to Ocasio-Cortez...)

I profoundly despise Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

As Creator, I attach no restrictions against sharing this image. Have fun!


(2021-09-16 Update: The Komrades in Twitter Ministry of Truth defend with official Memory Hole Propaganda...) More...

My informal explanation for communism's inexorable failure

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 19 2021 04:11 zulu

While sorting through archival files, rediscovered my informal explanation for communism's unalterable, inexorable failure. Cannot recall if I had posted this previously.

For whom I created this, I no longer recall; so, I will publish this for others' armament against the Socialist Simpletons & Communist Cuckolds.

... listening to David Sylvian's song "Ride" on repeat...


categories: collectivism | government | idleness | opinion | personal | rights

federal Government to subvert State sovereignty

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 12 2021 01:48 zulu

[EDIT 2021 08 13 - Authoritarians are so predictable - see news article at the end of my original August 11th assessment...]

For the Nth wave of this fauxdemic, the federal State has openly announced plans to subvert States' sovereignty; while considering the simplicity of Biden's dictatorial senescence, I realized a few likely choices through which this could be achieved - of these: the 1979 federalization of the school system, as well as interstate commerce and travel.

The states had better act quickly, or the People rise up in both defiance and en masse.More...


categories: collectivism | government | individualism | opinion | rights

Saul Alinsky - Control healthcare and you control the people

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 10 2021 12:21 zulu

My search for a quote by Saul Alinsky, the Architect of Leftist Strategy, resulted in a list of RELATED AUTHORS that could not have been more applicable and revealing!


Saul Alinsky Quote


The Quote: More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal

Exhibit DCLXVI the COVID Delta Variant Is a scam

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 09 2021 12:42 zulu

PERHAPS you narcissistic Karens and beta-male Marxists might attempt some gaslight explanation of this...

satire image created by l. nicholas de lioncourt 2021. free, only if non-profit, usage allowed.



categories: collectivism | government | opinion | rights

U.S. Racial Oppression... Yeah... Right...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 04 2021 10:09 zulu


The Face of Racial Oppression in the U.S.

Critical Race Theory, an effort of imbecility.



categories: collectivism | government | opinion

authoritarians proposing mandated injections by physical force

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 04 2021 09:21 zulu

So, the authoritarians are beginning to propose mandated injections, even if physical force is used.

And, Matthew Yglesias, what hypodermic needle gauge would you attempt use, 25G or 23G?


Since, without hyperbole, I would (and WILL) retaliate with a high-velocity 9mm intramuscular injection before anyone could approach... no, not satire... just as you, I am critically sincere as well...

How fast can your 'people' run, since my 'JAB' approaches at 1500 ft/s?


Bring it...

authoritarians are proposing mandated injections, even if physical force is used



categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal | rights

Get the Jab The Fauci Ouchie

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 03 2021 11:37 zulu



No... I am in no danger of catching DEPOPULATION...More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal | rights

After more than a year of masks the State wants more

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 30 2021 00:20 zulu

More than a year of these nonsensical, duplicitous mask mandates (15 Days to Stop the Spread) over some Criminal-Fauci-Taxpayer-Funded-China-Bio-Engineered flu variant with over a 99% survival rate; the State believes it has the authority to impose another year of mask mandates on the citizens...More...

I enjoy hiding unexpected messages

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 22 2021 02:14 zulu

I enjoy hiding unexpected messages in my professional pages; no one notices; for example, the Privacy Policy (even the Terms of Use).


The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism I

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 07 2021 01:55 zulu

Article with Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley's direct quote

(Image prepended 2021-07-30)


In the screenshot of the article (beginning of this entry), Joint Chiefs of Staff Chair Mark Milley employed a psychological tactic of concurrent, furtive promotion of doctrines by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, Chinese communist revolutionary Mao Tse-Tung, and Vladimir "Lenin" Ilyich Ulyanov; all variations on, to simplify, socialist and communist totalitarianism. More...

The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism II

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 07 2021 01:13 zulu

Added this image 2021 09 16

(Traitor Milley by Ben Garrison. Image prepended 2021-09-16)


(ensuring this topic from The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism I consists of short entries)


To be succinct, if you, reader, spend five-to-ten minutes each day scanning descriptions of "Fabian Socialism", the "boiling frog fable", Saul Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer", and however much your patience can tolerate summaries of "Cultural Marxism" - if you browse through these four topics…More...

The Military - Woke - Cultural Marxism III

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 06 2021 20:55 zulu

So why? You have » already seen « the "WHY" in articles about public school "woke" madness, cultural conditioning, and forced implementations of critical race theory!

Again, why has the MILITARY descended into "woke" insanity and critical race theory imbecility?


The answer is: the military applies the criterion "efficient strategy"; the military is not a mess of "woke" insanity and critical race theory imbecility.

The "woke" label is a deception of "minimization" to portray their actions as "ridiculous" and "insane", when their actions are actually treacherous steps in the critical path of one gradual, transformative campaign, steps that cannot be reasonably concealed from the public; and so, must be downplayed to the people as "absurdity" and innocent targets of paranoia. More...

A Judgement of Critical Race Theory (CRT)

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 06 2021 02:57 zulu

Keep in mind that I sincerely have not one "damn" - I am "damn" bankrupt - to give about anyone's need to control and intimidate; to any company's, any authority's, demand for conformance. I have just never lived my life in fear, or for others' approvals.

Life is a transient, transactional, one-use-only opportunity, and its conclusion should never be a moment of realization that the opportunity was wasted in deference to others' control.




categories: collectivism | individualism | opinion | personal

Socialism is a form of political demolition

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on June 20 2021 02:06 zulu

Socialism is a form of political demolition, tearing down priceless monuments to make room for urine-stained parking lots. - LNDL


categories: collectivism | government | personal | writing


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on June 11 2021 03:38 zulu

I abhor the concept of GLOBALISM, MULTI-CULTURALISM; yet not out of biases - no - rather - the ambitions of multi-culturalism would result in a homogeneity of human philosophy and innovation - how tragic and potentially species-ending would be those losses - since the variate, often diametric, perspectives of dissimilar cultures are the geneses of advancements that contrasting cultures would not have made, and contrariwise.

Even worse, such global homogeneity extinguishes all development of coexistent cultures, and prohibits the formation of new cultures; creating a collective intolerance of differences. That is to write, a universal acceptance of democide to preserve the uniculture for the global good.

Well Explains Why I am neither right nor left wing

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 27 2021 03:00 zulu

My 'Political Compass' results reveal quite well my disassociation with the LEFT and RIGHT wings (see image). 

For WHAT reason should the masses be SO OPPOSED to self-determination and personal responsibility?More...

Double All Student Loan Debt as a Tax on Stupidity

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 08 2021 04:12 zulu

From opportunistic politicians to the useless masses of over-indulged students, these blights upon mankind demand all college education made free through taxpayers' work - "work", a concept unknown to both the aforementioned - and all existing debt nullified.More...


categories: collectivism | government | idleness | personal

The Thief in Chief Defines The Left

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 08 2021 03:23 zulu


Must confess; although I am a political agnostic, this imbecile is the perfect representative of every quality that defines THE LEFT:

I can imagine this is Biden's expression when he works an elementary school... allegedly.



categories: collectivism | government | opinion

No You Are Not a Hero and We are not In this together

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 08 2021 02:45 zulu


No and no.

Again and again and again businesses must append contrived sentiments of 'heroism' to their products. How pathetic these companies promoting campaigns of consumer manipulation and retail auto-eroticism; wherein everyone from mask-wearing, self-righteous beldams to physicians' front-desk administrators are portrayed as intrepid heroes, sacrificing their mortality to selflessly move among the plague-ridden masses...


No. Although tragic, this is not The Plague.

Just another opportunity for narcissists to justify their authoritarian hypochondria.

Just another opportunity for harridans to assuage their empty lives by controlling the lives of others.More...


categories: platitudes | collectivism | individualism | personal

I Profoundly Abhor Communism

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on January 19 2021 09:16 zulu

A graphic I created while once again watching the film "V for Vendetta". I will not participate in discussions about Individualism and Communism; since the discussion would a nonsensical comparison between Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi and a latrine overflowing with faeces.

graphic blandishment by l. nicholas de lioncourt

Larger More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion | personal

My updated poster for Carpenter's THEY LIVE

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 14 2020 13:17 zulu

Just finished watching Carpenter's "They Live", and decided to create my own updated version of the movie poster.

The movie poster I found...


The one I created:More...


categories: collectivism | opinion | personal

If Trump wins the contested 2020 Election...

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 12 2020 09:22 zulu

If Trump wins the contested 2020 Election... Larger Image More...


categories: collectivism | government | opinion


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 11 2020 12:09 zulu

When I saw the photo, I could not resist making some satirical changes...


Nancy Pelosi Fitted with 1st Sound-Cancelling Mask
created by l. nicholas de lioncourt


categories: collectivism | government | opinion

Why no Kamala Memes?

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 10 2020 14:01 zulu

So... why have I not created more Kamala memes?




She is a joke whose reflection is a far better punch line than any the mind of man could create.

- L. Nicholas


... actually, she is not worth the time & expense of imagination.




categories: collectivism | government | opinion

Graphic satire created in Photoshop

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 10 2020 13:51 zulu

Made this while watching 'Mimic' - L. Nicholas


original images More...


categories: collectivism | leftist tech | government | opinion

My MEMEs on Leftism - 331

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 10 2020 12:53 zulu

My MEMEs on Leftism - 331


categories: collectivism | leftist tech | government | personal

My MEMEs on Leftism - 372

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 10 2020 12:50 zulu

My MEME on Leftism - 372


categories: collectivism | leftist tech | government | opinion

VOTER FRAUD? No fraud here, come on man

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 09 2020 00:18 zulu


VOTER FRAUD? No fraud here, come on man!