Hilarious Spam Extortion Attempts - Some Suggestions

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 06 2021 12:41 zulu

For a few years, I have received email variations on this common spammed-attempt at extortion; and as I cheerfully delete each one, I muse to myself '...sure, yeah, you go ahead and do that - knock yourself out..."


Yet, considering the persistence of these mass-spammed messages over the years, I must assume there is some measure of success.

If I were asked for advice: ignore these messages, and understand that maintaining hyper-vigilant paranoia while using any network-connected device - whether wi-fi or More...


categories: code | personal | professional

Just comply - 'the jab' only takes a moment

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on September 22 2021 01:38 zulu

Just comply - 'the jab' only takes a moment.

A moment...

Is defiance against government mandate, or against collective obligation, worth the fight? Yes. When dealing with state control or social coercion, personal opposition is consecrated principle.

All else is cowardice, as a moment of submission becomes a lifetime of shame.

This truth applies to any violation of your principles, and those violations are cumulative against self-esteem.


Just comply - 'the jab' only takes a moment.

No. No, this political issue elicits more suspicion than truth. Not concerned - even an adversity of 7,896,433,041-people-against-1 would never - has never - intimidated me. Personally & professionally, I have always done 'what is right', not 'what I am told is right.'



categories: personal | professional

A man I admire, Dr. Thomas Sowell

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 08 2021 01:42 zulu

Dr. Thomas Sowell

Writing with sincerity; although my passions do not lie in economics, for more years than my aging should confess, I have admired the contemplative intelligence, personal history, and inspiration of Thomas Sowell. I own his books. I have read his books; and then, read them again (recommended starts: 'The Thomas Sowell Reader' and 'A Personal Odyssey').

My profound respect for him is beyond expression. What a gift to mankind he is.

He embodies an egalitarian self-determination to which we should aspire.

Dr. Thomas Sowell


categories: leading | opinion | personal | professional


by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 04 2021 11:21 zulu


Read what I wrote in French and then Google's unnatural-language processed translation, and compare to a PROPER translation.


I understand this might read pedantic; and I have more than enough humility & agree, yet I have passions for linguistics and natural-language processing; so, have patience - I am offering you some advice to avoid humiliation resultant Google's - ahem - 'translations' (see the image at the end of this entry)... More...


categories: code | coding | leftist tech | google | personal | professional

I enjoy hiding unexpected messages

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on July 22 2021 02:14 zulu

I enjoy hiding unexpected messages in my professional pages; no one notices; for example, the Privacy Policy (even the Terms of Use).


Lowering the bar - example of modern coding by microsoft

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on April 28 2021 02:15 zulu

THIS HAS BECOME THE MODEL FOR WRITTEN CODE (see the three images in this article).

Before inclusion into my projects, I inspect the code of others' published frameworks; even if I must decompile the assembly and run obfuscation-reversal utilities.

For what reason?

Well, take this non-sensical feast of vulnerability spaghetti, written by Microsoft GITHUB to satisfy the most undiscerning script-kiddie consumer!

Need I imagine where this embarrassment was written?

One of the salient justifications for NOT using others' "professionally written" code.


The first image is a typical example from Microsoft's GITHUB framework (with my comments as callouts).More...


categories: code | c# | code snippets | opinion | professional

One of my personal doctrines of leadership

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 17 2020 10:24 zulu

One of my personal doctrines of leadership is:


Within a team, the leader is not there to control others; rather, the leader is there to ensure the team has the opportunities to do their best.


categories: opinion | professional | leading

My political compass reveals leadership style

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on November 13 2020 16:16 zulu

I have never been concerned with others knowing my political compass; since, I believe the most effective leaders to be libertarian - sincerely, others could do no better than a libertarian in a position of authority.


I believe that my Leadership Style and Values must be common among libertarians:

>    Leads by example; not claims or assertions ('trust me')

>    Neither authoritarian nor manipulative

>    Concerned with solutions; not blame

>    Leads others; no interest in controling others

>    Will NOT micro-manage or surveille - the team must be trusted

>    No hesitation to speak opinion with complete sincerity

>    Judges personal success by success of employees and team members

>    Egalitarian work environment More...


categories: personal | professional | leading

In the Studio 1988

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on August 26 2020 05:37 zulu


Yes, that is I - l.nicholas de lioncourt - in the archetypal 1980s digital synthesis studio, late 1989 to be precise. At the end of this entry, I have listed the equipment in this photograph.

My favorite? My Yamaha DX-7 II-D. Second Favorite, E-mu Emulator II+


l. nicholas de lioncourt in the studio 1988

L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Music Studio, 1988




360 Systems 8x8 MIDI Router Patcher
Akai MD280 and S-612
Cakewalk 2.0A 1988 Update (software)
Casio CZ-101
Casio RZ1
Deltalab Effectron ADM 1024 Digital Delay
DOD R-431 C Series 31-Band Graphic Equalizer
E-mu Emulator II+
Ensoniq Mirage DMS-8 Hybrid Synth
FB-01 Multitimbral Digital FM Synth Module
Kawai MX-8R Stereo Keyboard Mixer
Korg DVP1 Vocoder
Korg KMS-30 MIDI Synchronizer
Roland D-50 (far right, not in photo)
Roland MKS-70 (not in photo)
Roland TR-808
Yamaha DX21
Yamaha DX-7 II-D
Yamaha MT1X Multitrack Cassette Recorder
Yamaha RX-17
Yamaha SPX90 Digital multi-effect processor
Yamaha TX81Z
... and a Commodore 64


Found one of me in the art studio in 1988, around the same year as that above. This was 1105 Grove Avenue, if I recall:

l. nicholas de lioncourt in the ART studio 1988
L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, Art Studio, 1988



categories: idleness | personal | professional

Updated my logo for the first time

by   Nicholas de Lioncourt on October 11 2018 03:01 zulu

After many - too many - years, I updated my logo - a logo I have used since my 'fine artist/graphic artist' era, into my system architect/coder career, and now as a writer.

(although I will never abandon my architect/coder skills).


L. Nicholas de Lioncourt, De Lioncourt LLC Logo Change
Image Resized from 800 x 343px. De Lioncourt, LLC logo ™ © L. Nicholas de Lioncourt


categories: product | professional