For no other ambition than the intersectional absurdities of Marxism, this triviality of life - this nonsensical Karen - Alison Stine, denigrates an accomplished entertainer, Chris Pratt, as 'disgraced' for his... piety.
No concerns. A Christophobic leftist as she is nothing more than a social cyst. I would have judged her a 'useful idiot', yet I could not justify 'useful'.
Still considering Alison Stine's tantrums, who pissed on the cover of her intersectionality manual?
As for these picayune Marxists: I would rather spend an evening at a pot-luck church dinner with a room of Christians; rather than suffer five-minutes among woke, misanthropic atheists. The former have proved themselves again and again to be welcoming optimists; the latter, cognitive Onanists.