Taking a break from Election...
While searching through archives of my past emails, I found this email from March 2003; in which I predicted the pitiless nationalization of employees' wages and salaries. Although more than 18-years have passed without realization, I continue to believe that the federal government will nationalize all private payroll systems (I have another one describing the end of Internet anonymity).
Here is an excerpt:

The entire email message: (I supplied the pasted text after the image below)

I left these positions many years ago; so, my email address is no longer in use.
The Text of the 2003 Email
Great insight! But... I disagree with your optimistic prospects for our social financial future. No first-world government will ever tolerate a return to the fiscally-restrictive control imposed by a gold standard; and unless state control is overthrown through Revolution, fiat currency is the immutable model here & hereafter.
Cannot deny that history has documented an accelerating progression of the U.S. government toward regression of our unalienable rights. Of the many ways the state might inflict brutal, unassailable control over the People is through arrogation of private healthcare and finance.
Of finance, within a few decades, I predict that employees will no longer receive wages directly from employers; rather, each employee's wages will be deposited from a federal system, into a federally-assigned bank account and debit card.
How the State will sell - impose through mandate - such a system; I cannot anticipate - certainly some well-planned crises, or mass-media campaign fomenting social outrage or apprehension, as with the passage of the federal income tax.
One implemented, businesses' payroll services will become nationalized into an extension of the IRS, wherein employers will authenticate weekly into a federal system to approve each employee's status, work fulfillment, and; if needed, income adjustments (such as a raise, bonus or title change).
This will initiate a series of internal IRS rules and processes; which updates employees' info, compensates for an adjusted living wage, and subtracts deductions. Far worse, this system will enable a fluidity of tax rates, withholding, and fees similar to stock market fluctuations - meaning - congress may impose tax increases for a few weeks, months, years that take effect immediately; even retroactively, if necessary.
Once processed, the "nationalized workers' wage" system will deposit each employee's adjusted net income into a state-assigned and monitored individual deposit account; from which all personal transactions will be cashless, through usage of a corresponding debit card specific to that account.
Seem implausible? One of my gifts is the ability to intuitively imagine massive systems and determine probable outcomes... this is one.
What do you all think?
-- L. Nicholas de Lioncourt
City of Richmond Lead Architect