I am told, "You CANNOT oppose the U.S. Government".
So, at what point did that stop being a RIGHT?
After all, the text of the U.S. Declaration of Independence seems to omit, "JUST THIS ONE TIME" when declaring, "... it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it..." as if such a Right extended into perpetuity.
Seditious, treasonous, subversive... perhaps to them unaware that these condemnations are duplicity; when in truth, throughout documented history authoritarian rule has always first proscribed that which threatens state or monarchical rule over the populace. Freedom and Liberty conceal no such fear.
Then again, the same document; that emphasized as incontrovertible each citizen's Right "...to alter or to abolish...", is also unequivocal about "UNALIENABLE RIGHTS" and consider how well that decree has been honored...