No and no.
Again and again and again businesses must append contrived sentiments of 'heroism' to their products. How pathetic these companies promoting campaigns of consumer manipulation and retail auto-eroticism; wherein everyone from mask-wearing, self-righteous beldams to physicians' front-desk administrators are portrayed as intrepid heroes, sacrificing their mortality to selflessly move among the plague-ridden masses...
No. Although tragic, this is not The Plague.
Just another opportunity for narcissists to justify their authoritarian hypochondria.
Just another opportunity for harridans to assuage their empty lives by controlling the lives of others.
No. You are not a hero.
No. I am not "... in this together".
Yes, I DARE think and act with unrepentant autonomy; the individual is wisdom, the collective, insentience.
Yes, I doubt and challenge your argumenta ad populum, ad verecundiam.
No, I do not worship government; I defy it at every opportunity possible.
No, I do not consider heroes to be people, who (a) knew the risks and demands before voluntarily choosing their professions, (b) must treat cases of EXAGGERATED influenza among the healthy whose symptoms mitigate in a week, (c) have sufficient free time to choreograph dance routines at work for upload to TikTok.
Especially (a).
Yes, 'Karens', do secure yourself against traumatic psychological scarring; as those 'Karens' who dared to approach me have already suffered - they learned I am confrontational, unintimidated, and menacing against their kind and... I do so enjoy every moment.